Ex. 25:1-9; 28:9-12; 30:22—37:18; 35:1—38:20
AS PROMISED in the preceding chapter at the end of the discussion of Ex. 23 and 24, the study of the Gospel-Age Tabernacle, as given in Ex. 25-40, is herewith taken up. It is not our thought to go over every detail of the tabernacle as there given; for our Pastor covered its main features, which to cover again would be needless repetition. Rather, the thought is to make this article supplementary to his pertinent discussions, thus to cover such features as he did not expound in T. In many respects Bro. Russell's writings on the tabernacle are among his most important pen products. In fact, the book of Revelation indicates that his Studies were developed out of his tabernacle expositions, from which we can infer their great importance. In Ex. 25-31 we find first God's charge to Moses as to what to make for the tabernacle and its contents. Thereafter is given the description of its and its contents' making and then of its setting up, their placing and the consecration of the priesthood. In this chapter we will, with a few exceptions, skip the parts of Exodus that contain the charge as to its and its appurtenances' making (Ex. 25-30) and discuss the supplementary things contained in the rest of the book. Let us all ask the Divine blessing upon the preparation and study of these supplementary expositions; for upon His blessing all good is dependent, since whom He blesses is blessed indeed, and whom He curses is cursed indeed (Gen. 12:3). Trusting Him for His promised grace, let us in His name take up this study to His glory.
(2) Under the heading of this chapter are indicated the parts of Exodus that are to be studied in this
installment of our exposition. Accordingly, first of all the study of Ex. 25:1-9 will be taken up. Here is typed God's charge to Jesus as His Executive in carrying out God's plan (The Lord spake unto Moses, v. 1). As we study the things set forth in vs. 2-9 we see that Jesus in an executory capacity received some of the charges, i.e., some of those that pertained to Himself, at Nazareth as exhortations for Him to arouse Himself to consecrate Himself, and then to yield to God His human all for purposes of the antitypical Tabernacle; for the charge to speak to antitypical Israel typed in v. 2 implies that He invite them to consecrate their all to the Lord, and then to yield it to Him for purposes of the antitypical Tabernacle; and He being the first of these antitypical Israelites to receive this invitation, He as Executive gave this invitation to Himself as an antitypical Israelite at Nazareth before He consecrated. Of course, God began the speaking of v. 1 before Jesus initially began this executive work, which He began on Himself as an antitypical Israelite, as just shown, as well as encouraged Himself to continue using up His human all for Tabernacle purposes to the end of His course. Jesus as antitypical Moses, i.e., as Executive, continued this inviting work towards others after His return from the wilderness throughout His earthly ministry. Moreover, after His resurrection, ascension and glorification He continued doing so in both of its aspects: (1) as an invitation to consecrate and (2) as an encouragement to carry it out. While by Oct., 1914, He ceased inviting new consecrators for the high calling purposes, He has since been encouraging the new-creaturely consecrated to make available for the antitypical Tabernacle purposes whatever they are and have, i.e., He still exercises the second feature of this work. With a changed purpose He still invites the justified to consecrate as Youthful Worthies, and then encourages them as they have opportunities to make their human all available to advance such Tabernacle matters as belong to the Court. We may go even further
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
and say that at their consecration to righteousness, as distinct from consecration to sacrifice, these two features of Jesus' pertinent executory work extend to the faith-justified as Gospel-Age Levites to serve matters pertaining to the antitypical Tabernacle Court and its appurtenances. Hence we understand that Jesus' pertinent work as Executive for the antitypical Tabernacle and its appurtenances will continue with the Little Flock, Great Company and Youthful Worthies until they respectively finish their courses, but will cease with the faith-justified when their faith-justification lapses, which seemingly will occur in every case by Oct., 1954, according to Rev. 22:11.
(3) The word here rendered offering (offering, v. 2) should have been given as heave-offering. It was called so because the offerer would repeatedly lift it upward as toward God, as distinct from the wave-offering, which was waved from side to side, and which typed the continued using of the thing offered for God. The offering of the heave-offering seems to type: (1) offering to God the thing sacrificed and (2) the elevation to higher and higher uses of the things offered to God unto His greater honor and glory. In harmony with these two things are the uses of the things that antitypical Israelites offer God for the purposes of developing the antitypical Tabernacle and its appurtenances. These were not to be constrained, but were to come from willing hearts (giveth it willingly with his heart). And the Lord's people should receive them from everyone who would so offer them (ye shall take). Generally and particularly speaking, this heave-offering here types anything of our human all, i.e., our human time, talent, education, health, strength, life, means, influence, reputation, position, qualities, etc., that will be useful in advancing the antitypes of the things mentioned in vs. 3-7. The things that we give, e.g., are not Divine (gold), nor the Truth (silver), nor New Creatures (fine linen), nor the spirit of understanding (oil), nor the acquirements in the
anointing (spice for the anointing oil), nor the twelve chief graces (stones … in the breastplate), etc.; for these are things that God gives and not we. Rather, the antitypical heave-offering is our consecrated human all that is used in service to further these things that God gives. Thus our human all furthers for God as to the antitypical Tabernacle and its appurtenances Divine things (gold, v. 3), the Truth (silver), justified human matters (brass, i.e., copper), matters of faithfulness (blue, v. 4), of royalty (purple), of the sin-offerings (scarlet), of the New Creatures (fine linen), of the justified humanity (goats' hair), of the ransom (rams' skins dyed red, v. 5), of our humanity as it appears to the world (badger [seal] skins), of our corruptible humanity (shittim wood), of the spirit of understanding (oil for the light, v. 6), of the main acquirements (Truth, understanding, knowledge, tact and skill) of the Holy Spirit (spices for the anointing oil), of choice human powers (sweet incense), of the Abrahamic and New Covenant teachings (onyx stones, v. 7) and of the twelve chief graces (stones to be set in the ephod and in the breastplate). By Jesus' and the Church's use of their human all in connection with these things there are developed the Gospel-Age Tabernacle and its appurtenances for God as His dwelling place among His Spiritual Israel (make a sanctuary … dwell, v. 8), among God's people (among them). God's people are to develop the Church and all its appurtenances according to the plan that God would show Jesus (according to all … the pattern of the tabernacle … instruments … shall ye make, v. 9).
(4) Nowhere, so far as we have been able to find out, did our Pastor explain the antitype of the two onyx stones that were placed upon the shoulder parts of the ephod. He did show us that the ephod types the two great covenants, its front part the Abrahamic, and its hind part the New Covenant. Hence these two onyx stones represent something connected with these two covenants. The typical stones had graven, literally,
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
opened (expounded, Luke 24:27, 32), upon them the names of the twelve tribes of Israel (two onyx stones … names of the children of Israel, Ex. 28:9). That the expression, "children of Israel," here stands for the twelve tribes is evident from the statement of vs. 10-12 (six names … six names, v. 10 … names, v. 11 … names, v. 12). One of the meanings of the word name in the Bible is character, which is the meaning here; for each of the twelve tribes stood for a very holy kind of character, centering in a special characteristic. Accordingly, we understand the twelve names to type the same things as the twelve precious stones in the breastplate of judgment and the twelve kinds of stones in the walls of New Jerusalem. In other words, the twelve great graces are here typed by these twelve names. From these facts we infer that these two onyx stones type the Covenant truths of the Abrahamic and New Covenants. In these truths are these twelve graces engraved by Jesus, i.e., Jesus inscribes these characteristics into the truths of these two covenants (shalt thou engrave … names … Israel, v. 11).
(5) From the facts that there were two stones and on each of them six names were engraved we are not to infer that each covenant has but six graces. Rather, we are to understand that each stone types both covenants and hence that each of these covenants has all twelve graces inscribed in it, and will give the faithful in each covenant all twelve chief graces, for each stone made secure both covenants (six … on one stone … six … on the other stone, v. 10). The word translated births in v. 10 (toledoth) is repeatedly used in the sense of histories, experiences, though usually translated generations, e.g., these are the generations (toledoth) [histories] of the heavens and the earth (Gen. 2:4). See also Gen. 5:1; 6:9; 10:1; 11:10, 27; 25:12, 19; 36:1; 37:2. It will be noted that there are ten toledoth, or histories, given in the book of Genesis. One's history consists of his experiences which develop his character. Hence the thought in v. 10 is
that these characters are according to the experiences of antitypical Israel (according to their births [histories, experiences]). This is the work of Jesus by the Truth (work … stone, v. 11) and indicates character, as signets were anciently used as one's signature, which indicated his character (like … a signet). These characters so made were to be Divinely secured (set in ouches of gold). These truths of the two covenants are to be supported by the ministering acts of the Christ (shoulders of Aaron, v. 12), in the interests of the two covenants (shoulders of the ephod), and are to be an everlasting remembrance and remembrancers of antitypical Israel (stones of memorial unto the children of Israel). In their high-priestly office are, first Jesus, then Jesus and the Church (Aaron), to minister these truths and their resultant graces (bear … upon his two shoulders), in matters pertaining to Jehovah (before the Lord), perpetually reminding antitypical Israel for them (for a memorial). Though Bro. Russell did not explain their typical significance, and we promised to supplement his tabernacle interpretations, we leave the discussion of the nature of the twelve graces, as they are represented by the names engraved on these two stones, by the twelve precious stones in the breastplate and by the twelve precious stones in the symbolic walls of New Jerusalem, until we write on Rev. 21 in our exposition of the entire book.
(6) Accordingly, we will now proceed to the exposition of Ex. 31, which our Pastor likewise did not expound. To Jesus as His Executive God revealed through whom He would develop the antitypical Tabernacle and its appurtenances (the Lord spake unto Moses, v. 1). On this point He first told Jesus that God had invited Him (called, v. 2) to be the main Worker on His Tabernacle and its contents on account of His character (by name), first as the Image of God (Bezaleel, shadow of God), full of the Divine knowledge (Uri, my light), of noble, sinless origin (Hur, noble) and one highly to be praised (Judah, praise).
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
He further describes our Lord as full of God's Spirit by God's own filling, and thus thoroughly qualified to be the chief Worker on the antitypical Tabernacle and its contents (filled him with the spirit of God, v. 3), which includes His having the full Truth as due (wisdom) and a full comprehension (understanding) and cognition (knowledge) of the Truth, as well as the tact and skill to produce good results in teaching and character from such Truth understood and known (all manner of workmanship). His tact and skill in defining, explaining, analyzing, proving, defending and applying the Truth are indeed highly able; and they are also such in developing character in others in harmony with the Truth, as while He was in the flesh He so developed His own character (to devise cunning [skillful] works, v. 4). This skill is adapted to work in and with Divine matters and nature (gold), in and with the Truth of God (silver), in all its aspects and relations in and with humanity (brass, copper), in and with matters pertinent to the covenants and the graces (cutting of stones, v. 5), and to make them strong in themselves and balance them with one another (to set them) and to develop unto perfection human beings (carving of timber). In brief, He has the tact and ability to do skillfully everything as to the antitypical Tabernacle (work in all manner of workmanship).
(7) With our Lord by God's special appointment (I, behold, I have given [literally, appointed] with him, v. 6) are associated as His special helpers the star-members, as those in whom God especially is and works toward God's antitypical Tabernacle and toward its contents (Aholiab, father's tent), whose work is especially to support and assist Jesus in connection with making the antitypical Tabernacle and its contents (Ahisamach, brother's support), and who as such are set in the Church to represent Jesus as its Ruler (Dan, judge). The chief parts of these star-members are those of the Ephesian and Laodicean periods; for while the Interim's star-members were limited to being
mouthpieces of Jesus, the star-members of the ends of the Ages have been, not only mouthpieces of Jesus, but also executives for Him. Moreover, they have been given mouthpieceship as to vastly more stewardship truths than were those of the Interim. Besides these star-members God has also appointed other helpers to Jesus in making the antitypical Tabernacle and its contents, i.e., (1) the special helpers of the star-members, (2) the rest of the "secondarily prophets," whose Parousia and Epiphany representatives are called pilgrims, and (3) the helpers of those called under (2) "the rest of the secondarily prophets," whose Parousia and Epiphany representatives are called auxiliary pilgrims, in their capacity of being such actually or prospectively (in the … wise hearted I have put wisdom, Truth, Matt. 13:52). Additionally, any consecrated one who ministers consecration and then development to the consecrated works on making the antitypical Tabernacle, but does not make or help make the vessels, since such do not bring forth "things new," implied in making the vessels. Please note the distinctions made in the builders: (1) Jesus is set forth as the chief Builder (vs. 2-5); (2) the star-members are set forth as His special helpers, "with him" (v. 6), and (3) all the rest of their helpers are set forth as subordinate assistants. Please note the variation of the descriptions of the star-members and those under (1), (2) and (3) in the third sentence above, as showing a marked difference in their respective relations to Jesus, the main Worker. The way the A. V. renders the Hebrew word ve after the word for wisdom (v. 6) would imply that the third class alone would make the antitypical Tabernacle and its contents, while actually they do the least amount of work and the least responsible work thereon. Ve ordinarily means and, and should have been rendered and here; hence the clause should be rendered, "and they shall make." This corrected translation shows that all referred to in vs. 2-6 make the antitypical Tabernacle
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
and all its appurtenances, not simply those spoken of as the "wise hearted" in v. 6.
(8) Vs. 7-11 give the main things that the workers on the antitypical Tabernacle and its appurtenances were to make. The typical details represent: the Church (tabernacle of the congregation, v. 7), the Christ beyond the veil (ark of the testimony), God in His attributes of justice, power and love (the mercy seat, i.e., propitiatory, and two cherubim), all the doctrinal, refutative, corrective and ethical teachings of the Church (all the furniture [literally, vessels] of the tabernacle [evidently here the furniture is not meant; for that is given in v. 8]), the Church in its capacity of feeding the priesthood with the heart developing and strengthening truths for the heavenly journey (the table, v. 8), its pertinent doctrinal, refutative, corrective and ethical teachings (his furniture [vessels; here again we have a manifest mistranslation, since the table had vessels, but no furniture]), the true Church in its capacity of enlightening the priesthood (pure candlestick), its pertinent doctrinal, refutative, corrective and ethical teachings (all his furniture [vessels; the candlestick had vessels, but no furniture]), the Church in its capacity of comforting and encouraging the sacrificing priesthood in its fiery trials with Scripture passages as the antitypical censer (altar of incense), the humanity of the Christ in its capacity of supporting the sacrificed humanity of the priesthood (altar of burnt offering, v. 9), its pertinent doctrinal, refutative, corrective and ethical teachings, its censers typing the pertinent Bible passages (all his furniture [vessels; since it had vessels, but no furniture]), the Bible (the laver), the New Testament as the bowl of the antitypical laver (the laver), the Old Testament as the base of the antitypical laver (his foot, i.e., the base), the characteristics of the priests which hid from outsiders the real nature of the antitypical Tabernacle's furniture and vessels (cloths of service, v. 10), the Christ's human righteousness as the sacrificial robe of antitypical
Aaron, and the Christ's Millennial powers, prerogatives, privileges, etc., (holy garments for Aaron) and Jesus' righteousness as the sacrificial robe of the underpriests (garments of his sons)—all of which were adapted to their ministering as the Lord's priesthood (to minister in the priest's office), the Truth and its powers understood, known and skillfully applied unto giving the Holy Spirit of Truth, in knowledge, understanding and skillfulness (anointing oil, v. 11), and the Christ's choice human perfections, Jesus' actually so, the Church's reckonedly so (sweet incense for the holy). The workers on the antitypical Tabernacle and its appurtenances were to do everything thereon according to the instructions that God gave to Jesus as His Executive (according to … commanded … do).
(9) Remembering that we are studying the Gospel-Age antitypes of Exodus, we are to limit our view of vs. 12-18 to their Gospel-Age application. We have seen that the antitypical Sabbath as the seventh 1,000-year day is the Millennium. The Gospel-Age Sabbath is the reckoned Millennial Age, i.e., the reckoned rest from the curse that faith-justification imputes to the faith-justified; for faith-justification reckons to its beneficiaries all the Millennial blessings of restitution, hence rest or freedom from the curse. God charges Jesus to enjoin keeping antitypical Sabbath (spake … saying, v. 12). To keep the Gospel-Age Sabbath implies two things: (1) that one continue to trust God's promise to forgive him his sins for Christ's merit, to impute Christ's merit to him and to keep him in fellowship with Him, and (2) to live in harmony with the implication of the three blessings of justification just mentioned, i.e., live a righteous life, by abhorring, avoiding and opposing sin and by doing justly by God and neighbor (my sabbaths [the singular and plural of this word are interchangeably used for the singular] ye shall keep, v. 3). God makes the charge very emphatic (Verily … keep). He gives as a reason that the Sabbath of the Law Covenant was a type between
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
God and Israel throughout all their generations (sign … generations [Col. 2:16, 17]), even as the Gospel-Age Sabbath is a proof as antitype that God sanctifies His people in justification and consecration (ye may know that I … sanctify you). Such a reckoned Millennial rest God's Gospel-Age people should keep as being set apart for them (keep … holy for you, v. 14). Whoever of God's Gospel-Age people pollutes it, which is done either by denying the ransom—the basis of the three blessings that give us this reckoned Millennial rest—or by denying the Church's share in the sin-offering—the reason for the Gospel-Age existence of the reckoned Millennial rest, and by turning unto wholly wilful sin—which is the destruction of the Holy Spirit—will die the second death (every one that defileth it … put to death). The three evils mentioned in the preceding sentence are the things referred to as work in the last sentence of v. 14 (doeth any work). Such doers are eternally severed from God's people (cut off … people).
(10) Those under the Adamic curse may deny the ransom, the Church's share in the sin-offering and sin ever so wilfully, without incurring the second-death penalty, though suffering the Adamic curse (six days may work be done, v. 15), but the justified condition of God's Gospel-Age people gives them the antitypical seventh day (the seventh is the sabbath) and is to be devoted wholly to the Lord (holy to the Lord). To emphasize the guilt of committing the three before-mentioned sins and the nature of their penalty God repeats the prohibition of them as work on the antitypical sabbath (any work … surely be put to death). Hence God's Gospel-Age people should keep the reckoned Millennial sabbath, by a living faith in the ransom, by prizing the Church's share in the sin-offering and by righteous living (Israel shall keep the sabbath, v. 16), throughout every epoch of the Church (throughout their generations), as an age-lasting obligation agreed to by them to God (a perpetual covenant).
It is an evidence of the age-lasting covenant between God and His Gospel-Age people (sign … forever, v. 17). It is a proof that God gave the salient features and arrangements of His plan during the six one-thousand-year days, in which He permitted evil (in six days the Lord made heaven and earth), and during the seventh one-thousand-year day He will rest and be refreshed, while the Christ works restitution as the actual rest of His Millennial people, which rest by faith He reckons to His pre-Millennial people (on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed). For details on God's six antitypical creative days and the antitypical rest day please see P' 43, 45-47. As God brought to an end His charging our Lord on making the Gospel-Age Tabernacle and its appurtenances (made an end of communing with him, v. 18), beyond the veil during the Gospel Age, as heir of the Kingdom (upon Mount Sinai), God gave Him the Divine law of justice—supreme duty-love to God and equal duty-love to the neighbor (he gave … two tables of testimony), to be written in human hearts (tables of stone; 2 Cor. 3:3), as the planned revelation of God's will on human conduct (written by the finger of God).
(11) Our Lord caused God's people to be assembled (gathered … Israel together, Ex. 35:1) and caused them to hear as God's message (said … words … commanded) certain things that they were to observe (do them). The special thing that He brought to their attention here referred to was the teaching of the race's suffering six one-thousand-year days under the curse (six days shall work be done, v. 2) and their resting a one-thousand-year day separate from the curse (seventh day … holy … sabbath of rest). This rest separate from the curse is a reckoned one the rest of faith justification—and will be an actual one—the rest of the Millennium, the rest of works justification. Accordingly, in the former one the experiences prior to faith justification are the antitypical period of labor, suffering under the curse; and in the
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
latter one the experiences prior to the Millennium are the antitypical period of labor, suffering under the curse. Whoever sins wilfully during either this reckoned or actual rest time will be cut off from his justification (work therein … death). The Lord's people are, among other things, to see to it that they do not set mortal sin or error afloat (kindle no fire, v. 3) among one another or each one privately in his own heart and mind (throughout your habitations), to the injury of their reckoned or actual rest (sabbath day). This should be avoided, as it would set features, error and sin, of the curse at work while they should be observing the reckoned or actual rest from all features of the curse, these features being sin, error, dying and death. We gave more details on most of these matters treated in vs. 1, 2, when expounding Ex. 20:8-11 and 31:12-14, to which we refer our readers for these details.
(12) While discussing Ex. 25:2-7 we expounded the antitypical things referred to in vs. 4-9; and in discussing Ex. 31:6 we explained antitypically the things referred to in v. 10, so will, accordingly, pass them by without further explanation, which would be merely a repetition of things expounded already. Accordingly, we will continue our further exposition, beginning with v. 11. Remembering that Moses in this connection is telling Israel what God on the mount had charged him to tell, we are prepared to go forward in our study. Moses' general exhortation was that Israel should offer things needed for the construction of the tabernacle and its belongings, as a type of what antitypical Israel in its humanity was in consecration to offer useful for building the antitypical Tabernacle. These things were mentioned in vs. 5-9, while v. 10 exhorts antitypically those able to work on that Tabernacle so to do, in order to accomplish the work typed in vs. 11-16. The first thing on which they, Jesus and His assistants, were to work was the Christ Himself (tabernacle, v. 11), i.e., the antitype of the ten linen curtains that formed the first, the inner, roof of the
tabernacle, and also hung down outside the boards for approximately nine cubits on the north and south sides of the building and nearly ten cubits on the west end thereof, the thickness of the boards making the linen curtains short of nine cubits in the parts hanging over the two sides and short of ten cubits in the part hanging over its west end. They were to work, secondly, on the antitypical tent, the antitype of the eleven curtains of goats' hair, i.e., the justified humanity of the Christ (tent). They were to work, thirdly, on the antitypes of the rams' skins dyed red, i.e., the ransom, and, fourthly, of the badger, or seal, skins, the Christ's humanity as it appears to the world (the covering). They were to work, fifthly, on the antitypes of the taches [hooks], the Divine power that held the new creatures together and that held their justified humanity together for God's purposes (taches). They were to work, sixthly, on the antitypes of the boards, the Bible books of secondary importance from the standpoint of their use for the Church (boards); seventhly, on the antitypes of the bars, the Bible books of tertiary importance from the standpoint of their use for the Church (bars); eighthly, on the antitypes of the pillars, the Bible books of primary importance from the standpoint of their use for the Church (pillars). Please, in the reading, "1 John," in EH, 72, line 13 from the top, delete the number "1" before the word "John," for John's Gospel, not his first Epistle, is symbolized by one of the four pillars in the Most Holy. They were to work, ninthly, on the antitypical silver sockets, i.e., prepare the Truth as the basis of the Biblical books and the antitypical copper sockets, i.e., prepare Truth teachings on the justified humanity as the thing to be consecrated according to the five books typed by the five pillars in the Holy. While the tenons, handles, are not here mentioned, they represent the two great Bible truths: high calling and restitution, which firmly fix each book of the Bible in the antitypical sockets, the Truth of God.
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
(13) Likewise Jesus and His assistants were to work on the antitypical Ark (v. 12). The typical ark in its chest types the Christ beyond the veil and the pertinent teachings; and its part above the chest types God in His attributes and the pertinent teachings. They were also to work on the pertinent passages of the Old and New Testaments furthering the antitypical Ark as to its teachings (staves), on the attribute of Divine justice in its pertinent teachings (mercy seat; literally, propitiatory), and on the death of the human body of the Christ and the pertinent teachings (vail of the covering). Having given the charge on what Jesus and His assistants were to do on the antitypical Tabernacle (v. 11) in general and on the antitypical Most Holy (v. 12) in particular, God gives, by Jesus as Executive (Moses, v. 4), what Jesus and His assistants (every wise hearted, v. 10) were to do as to the Holy and its appurtenances (vs. 13-15), which we will now proceed to study. Jesus and His assistants, first, were to work on the Church in its capacity of strengthening the brethren in every good word and work and on its pertinent teachings (the table, v. 13); secondly, on the pertinent Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments ([two] staves); thirdly, on the pertinent doctrinal, refutative, cleansing and ethical teachings (all his [its] vessels); and, fourthly, on the antitypical food, the Word of God as the bread of life, that strengthens the brethren in every good word and work for their heavenly journey (shrewbread). They were also to work on the Church in its capacity of enlightening the brethren and on its pertinent teachings (candlestick, v. 14), to enable it to give the Truth in its enlightening capacity for the minds of the brethren (light), the table and the lampstand both representing the Church and its pertinent teachings, but in a different capacity, the former in giving the brethren through the strengthening features of the Word the heavenly affections and graces for the heart, the latter in giving the brethren the enlightening features of the Word for the head.
They were also to work on the pertinent doctrinal, refutative, cleansing and ethical teachings pertinent to the Church in its work of enlightening the heads of the brethren (furniture; literally, vessels), on the Church in its enlightening capacity in its seven parts, one for each of its seven Epochs of the Gospel Age (lamps), as well as on the spirit of understanding in the Church as enlightener of the brethren (oil), whereby the enlightening work of the Church is done (for the light).
(14) Christ and His assistants were given a third general work to do for the Spirit-begotten condition of the Church, that connected with the Church and its pertinent teachings as the antitypical incense Altar, which is the Church in its capacity of comforting, encouraging, warning and correcting the brethren in their capacity as priests sacrificing amid fiery trials in the interests of the Lord's cause and people (incense altar, v. 15). It might be here in place to call attention to certain distinctions, in order to clarify the relations and capacities of the Church brought to our attention in the Holy. There are in fact seven capacities brought to our attention there: two at the antitypical Table, two at the antitypical Lampstand, two at the antitypical Altar and one at the second veil. The distinctions between the table, the lampstand and the altar, apart from their pertinent teachings, are these: The typical table represents the Church in its capacity of strengthening the brethren in their hearts with the heavenly bread of life, the Word of God, unto every good word and work for their heavenly journey; the typical lampstand represents the Church in its capacity of enlightening the brethren in their heads with the light of the Truth as the Word of God; while the typical golden altar represents the Church in its capacity of comforting, encouraging, warning and correcting the brethren amid their fiery, trialsome sacrifices; in a word, strengthening, enlightening and exhorting the Church. In ministering to our brethren we certainly have these three differing capacities as servants of the Truth. Let us, further,
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
note the difference in the antitypes of the three pieces of furniture in the Holy and the priest in his relations to these three pieces of furniture. The table represents the Church in its capacity of holding up the bread of life, the Word of God, as spiritual food to the Church, for strengthening it in every good word and work for its heavenly journey in the heart, while the priest eating the shewbread held up to him as food by the table types the Church in its capacity of approaching to itself the heavenly food held up to it by the Church, unto its strengthening itself in its heart in every good word and work for its heavenly journey. The lampstand represents the Church in its capacity of enlightening the Church in its head with the Truth as symbolic light, while the priest seeing in the Holy the things in the Holy by the light of the candlestick types the Church in its capacity of seeing in the Spirit-begotten condition spiritual things by the Truth taught it by the Church. The golden altar holding up to the incensing priest the censer represents the Church in its capacity of holding up Bible passages encouraging, comforting, warning and correcting the sacrificing and fiery-tried Church, while the priest sprinkling the incense on the burning coals in the censer held up to him by the incense altar represents the Church being comforted, encouraged, warned and corrected by the Bible passages held up to it by the Church as it in the priestly aspect brings its choice human powers in contact with fiery trials while sacrificing its human all for the Lord's cause and people. These distinctions show the Church in six of its capacities. The seventh capacity is typed by the priest at the second veil, lifting it up and going under it, which types the hard work of the Church's sacrificial dying unto a completion, death.
(15) Christ and His assistants were to work on the teachings of the Old and New Testaments pertinent to forwarding the Church in its capacity of comforting, encouraging, warning and correcting the fiery-tried and sacrificing Church (staves). No reference is here
made to the working on the typical vessels of the golden altar, to which reference is made elsewhere (Num. 4:11, 12). Their pertinent antitypical work was to set forth the doctrinal, refutative, cleansing and ethical teachings pertinent to the Church in its capacity of comforting, encouraging, warning and correcting the Church in its capacity of sacrificing amid fiery trials for God's cause and people. Christ and His assistants were to work on the things with which the antitypical priesthood was to be anointed (anointing oil), i.e., on the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of fear of, the Lord (Is. 11:2), or to put it in other words, the spirit of wisdom, power, justice and love. They were also to work on the antitypical sweet incense (sweet incense). Unburnt the sweet incense represents, first, Jesus' choice actually perfect human powers willingly yielded up for sacrifice; burnt into perfume it represents Jesus' graces made perfect through sacrificial sufferings, ascending as a most sweet-smelling savor unto God from and as a result of His perfect sacrifice. Unburnt it represents, secondly, the Church's choice reckonedly perfect human powers willingly yielded up for sacrifice; burnt into perfume it represents the Church's graces reckonedly perfect through Christ's merit and exercised faithfully, even though actually imperfect, amid sacrificial sufferings, ascending as a sweet-smelling savor unto God from and as a result of her imputedly perfect sacrifice. Finally, for the Spirit-begotten condition, Christ and His assistants worked on the human will of the consecrators, dead selfward and worldward in the act of consecration, helping the consecrated to keep it dead in the consecrated state (hanging … entering … tabernacle).
(16) Jesus and His colaborers were to work on the Christ as the Altar as viewed by the justified (altar of burnt offering, v. 16), and, secondly, on the Bible passages used by the Christ to comfort, encourage, warn and rebuke the priesthood as viewed by the justified
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
(brazen [copper] grate, which did for the coals and sacrifice on the altar of burnt offerings what the censer did for the coals and incense on the altar of incense; hence it seems, like the censer, to type Bible passages, the latter typing them as viewed by God and the new creatures in the antitypical Holy, the former as viewed by the justified in the antitypical Court). They, thirdly, likewise worked on the teachings of the Old and New Testaments that carried forward the antitypical Altar of burnt offering (staves), as well as on the doctrinal, refutative, cleansing and ethical teachings pertinent to this antitypical Altar (vessels); as they, fourthly, worked on the Bible (the laver), whose basis (foot) is the Old Testament and whose antitypical water-container is the New Testament. They worked, fifthly, on the righteousness of Christ, which to the antitypical Campers is a wall of unbelief, and to the antitypical Priests and Levites is a wall of faith (hangings of the court, v. 17); sixthly, on the sixty groups of the faith-justified (pillars); seventhly, on the pertinent justification Truth (sockets); and, eighthly, on Jesus as the righteousness that justifies the believer (hanging … door … court). They likewise worked on God's Truth (pins, v. 18, which had a use like that of the sockets, to support the boards) which supported the new creatures (the tabernacle), and on God's Truth (pins) which supported the justified in their 60 groups (of the court), and on writings that lent support to these two phases of God's Truth (their cords). They were also to work on the powers and qualities used to cover from the sight of those not in the antitypical Holy the Church as the antitypical Table, Lampstand and Altar, and their doctrinal, refutative, cleansing and ethical teachings (cloths … service in the holy, v. 19), as well as the sacrificing powers and qualities and the glorification powers and qualities of the World's High Priest (garments for Aaron) and those of the members of. His Body (garments of his
sons) needed by them in exercising their office while in flesh and spirit (to minister in the priest's office).
(17) After God's Gospel-Age people, in their various generations, had heard the exhortations and instructions antitypical of what is set forth in vs. 4-19, they put themselves into the condition to do their part in the enjoined work (Israel departed from … Moses, v. 20). They made a hearty (heart stirred up, v. 21) and willing (spirit made willing) consecration of themselves (offering; literally, heave offering), yielding up in the service of the antitypical Tabernacle their human all (tabernacle) for the Lord's service (services) and for the holy powers and qualities (holy garments). In vs. 22-29 three classes of consecrators are mentioned: men (vs. 22-24), women (25, 26) and rulers (27, 28). We understand that by the rulers the general teachers of the Church as the ablest brethren, by the men local elders, deacons and prominent non-official members of ecclesias as those of medium abilities among the brethren, and by the women less prominent ecclesia members as the least able of the brethren, are meant. A comparison of vs. 22-24, vs. 25, 26, and vs. 27, 28, shows that the rulers brought for the tabernacle the most important offerings, the men the things of medium importance, and the women the things of least importance in each of the classes corresponding to ability. A mistranslation of the first clause of v. 22 obscures this thought; for as given in the A. V., the women gave things of equal importance, ability, with the men. The A. V. has interpolated needlessly the words, both and and, into the text without corresponding words in the Hebrew, and contrary to their rule for such interpolations failed to put these two words in italics. Moreover, they left untranslated the Hebrew word al, which, among other things, means above. The following is, we think, the proper translation: "They came, the men above the women,"—the thought being that they had precedence above the women.
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
(18) Antitypically, this would suggest that the elders, deacons and more prominent unofficial ecclesia members had precedence by reason of greater ability in sacrificial service above the less prominent unofficial ecclesia members. With these necessary explanations to prepare the way, we will now proceed to interpret vs. 22-29. The elders, deacons and more prominent unofficial brethren from willing hearts (willing hearted, v. 22) sacrificed in their human all things serviceable, first, for appreciation of good (bracelets; literally, nose-rings), secondly, for the hearing of faith (earrings), thirdly, for good characters (rings; literally, seal rings) and, fourthly, for willing God's will beautifully (necklaces; the neck symbolizing the will, a necklace would represent such a will beautifully adorned). All of these were adapted to and usable for Divine things (all jewels of gold). All these offerers (every man that offered) brought for continual use an offering (an offering; literally, a wave-offering) adapted to and usable for Divine things (of gold) unto God's service (unto the Lord). Moreover, those who were able (with whom was found, v. 23) offered (brought), first, of their human all things adapted to and usable for faithfulness (blue), secondly, royalty (purple), thirdly, sin offerings (scarlet), fourthly, new-creatureship and righteousness (linen), fifthly, justification (goats' hair), sixthly, the ransom (red skins of rams), and seventhly, keeping unknown from the world the real character of the Christ (badger, or seal, skins). So, too, those who had in their human all things adapted to and usable for the Truth (silver, v. 24) and justification by faith (brass [copper]) used these sacrificially (brought) for the Lord. Every one who had things (with whom was found) adapted to and usable for corruptible humanity (shittim wood) as to dealing with it (work of the service) used these sacrificially for the Lord (brought).
(19) Now the antitype goes over to the things that the least able of the three classes gave sacrificially for
the antitypical Tabernacle. Wisely and heartily (wise hearted, v. 25) did the least able of the three classes mentioned above work powerfully (spin with their hands) on the least difficult things for the Church and offered (brought) these things adapted to and useful, first, for faithfulness (blue), secondly, royalty (purple), thirdly, the sin-offerings (scarlet), and, fourthly, the new-creaturely things typed by curtains and priests' sacrificial garments (fine linen). This same class of dear brethren wisely and heartily (heart … in wisdom, v. 26) worked on and offered things adapted to and usable for the justified humanity of the Church (spun goats' hair). The ablest brethren: Jesus, the star-members, their special helpers and other general servants of the Truth (rulers, v. 27), sacrificed in matters adapted to and useful for, first, the Divine truths and their pertinent graces contained in the Abrahamic and New Covenants (onyx stones … for the ephod), and, secondly, the twelve chief graces of the Church, each one especially exemplified in its pertinent tribe (stones … breastplate). They sacrificed things adapted to and useful for, thirdly, wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and fear of the Lord (spices, v. 28; 30:22-24; Is. 11:2), fourthly, the spirit of understanding to give enlightenment of Truth (oil for the light), fifthly, the new will and spiritual powers in each brain organ filled with wisdom, power, justice and love (anointing oil), and, sixthly, choice human powers, Jesus' actually and the Church's reckonedly perfect (sweet incense). Thus all the consecrated sacrificed willingly unto God (Israel … offering, v. 29), even everyone of them, great and small, who was willingly and freely disposed (heart … willing) to bring his all for things needed for the whole work (bring … work), as God had charged by Jesus (the Lord commanded … Moses).
(20) Having in our explanation of Ex. 31:1-6 covered as a command the things repeated as a statement in vs. 30-35, and stated as matters of fact in
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
Ex. 36:1, 2, we will pass these verses by here and continue our exposition with Ex. 36:3. All of the Truth servants, Jesus (Bezaleel), the star-members (Aholiab) and their helpers (every wise hearted man), received from Jesus as God's Executive all of the things that the Lord's people had consecrated as adapted to and useful for building the antitypical Tabernacle (received … offering … Israel had brought for … the sanctuary, to make it, v. 3). These consecrations have continued throughout the Age in every one of its opportunities (brought … offerings every morning). But beginning with Bro. R. in the toga scene early in the Epiphany, continuing with the writing and spread of The Finished Mystery (1917), whereby, first of all, the end of entrance into the high calling was set verbally forth, and progressing with its acceptors' believing this thought and acting accordingly (Rev. 16:17), and with the Epiphany brethren doing likewise, beginning their part in the Spring of 1918, the work of reporting to our Lord by the symbolic builders the end of entrance into the high calling has increasingly been going on—the report being made partly by word and partly by the act of ceasing to seek to win aspirants to the high calling (wise … came … work … spake to Moses … bring much more than enough, vs. 4, 5). Thus has been accomplished the Divinely commanded work of building the Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
(21) The Lord's work that has since been going on has been building the Epiphany Tabernacle, which had its beginning in the call of the Youthful Worthies from 1914 onward, its continuance in dealing with the Great Company as to readying them for the marriage supper, and its end will come in 1954-1956, when both classes will be completed insofar as concerns their finding and coming into the Truth (Rev. 22:11), but not insofar as their complete preparation for their places in the Millennium is concerned; hence the Epiphany Tabernacle will continue an uncertain number of years after 1956, though then completed. This report having
been made to our Lord by their symbolic builders by word and act, Jesus charged, especially, but not exclusively, through the Epiphany literature, that no more consecrations be made in the interests of the Gospel-Age Tabernacle (Moses gave commandment, v. 6). As a result brethren in and out of the Epiphany movement made the pertinent announcement everywhere (they … proclaimed … camp), great and small, saying that no more high calling consecrations be made (neither man nor woman … work for … sanctuary). And as brethren come to see this matter aright, they desist from attempting such work (people were restrained from bringing). Those new creatures who persist in teaching that the justified may consecrate for the high calling, and that such consecrators are accepted therein do in such work nothing at all for the Gospel-Age Tabernacle, but as antitypical Lot they thereby commit symbolic incest with their symbolic daughters (justified ones who insist on the high calling's being open for them, and such consecrators insisting on their being in the high calling); and they produce antitypical bastards—antitypical Ammonites and Moabites, who will end with the restitution class (Gen. 19:30-38; Deut. 23:2-6). But by Oct., 1914, as far as gaining the Little Flock is concerned, and by Passover, 1916, as far as sealing them is concerned, enough consecrations were made to suffice for the building of the Gospel-Age Tabernacle (stuff … sufficient … to make it, v. 7). Yea, there was more than enough (too much); for very many crown-losers were in the Truth by Oct., 1914-April, 1916, who had to be cast out of the Holy, beginning in Jan., 1917, continuing since, and ending some years in the future.
(22) Many are the confirmations of God's plan given us by Jehovah. Many of these are found in the constitution and order of nature, as we have shown in a section of our discussion of the external evidences of the Bible's being a Divine Revelation. Others were pointed out as pictured forth in the constellations, in
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
another section of that same discussion. Still a third set of such confirmations, based on the contour, products and places of the Holy Land were pointed out in a third section of that treatise. All of these are confirmations derived from nature. There are others, derived from art. E.g., there are a great number of them in Noah's ark, which we hope some day to set before the Lord's people. The Great Pyramid at Gizeh contains multitudes of such, which in great detail, additional to those already given, we also hope to set forth before the Lord's people sometime. This is also true of Solomon's temple, many of which, D. v., we design to discuss in these columns, the same remarks applying also to Ezekiel's temple. Now we make a similar statement as to the tabernacle in the wilderness, from the standpoint of the Gospel-Age picture. While quite a few, perhaps a third of all of these confirmations occurred to the writer first of all, about two-thirds of them were suggested to him by others. One we have gotten from Bro. Morton Edgar. A few came to us through Bro. E.L. Dockey (Reprints, 6436), who got some of them from a British Guiana brother. But by far the large majority of the two-thirds of them came to us through the present Scandinavian representative of the Epiphany Bible House, Bro. Christian Peterson, who is an architect by profession and, therefore, an adept at figuring, especially as it relates to buildings, etc., whose methods assisted us to work out about one-third of these confirmations. For years Bro. Peterson lived in America; but during the depression he returned to Denmark; and at the passing of our dear Bro. G. Danielsen beyond the veil, he became our Scandinavian representative. We make these acknowledgments, lest we appear as claiming privileges of first enlightenment on many points not really ours as such. None of these brothers were the first to see new doctrines, which under Jesus is the exclusive privilege of star-members. As non-star-member scribes instructed unto the Kingdom of God, they have been
privileged to find new confirmations of doctrines previously made known by Jesus to His star-members.
(23) As the Great Pyramid, Solomon's and Ezekiel's temples and Noah's ark had certain key numbers, which enabled us to bring out from them various confirmations of the Divine Plan, so also does the tabernacle have them. These key numbers are 5, 10 and 18. Various tabernacle measurements indicate that 5 and 10 are key numbers of that structure, while the different kinds of things of and in the tabernacle indicate that 18 is one of its key numbers. The key number 10 appears often in the tabernacle, both as a simple number and as being there in its multiples, e.g., the tabernacle was 10 cubits high and 10 cubits wide, which made its two ends each 10 cubits square, while its length—30 cubits—was a multiple of 10, which made its two long sides and ceiling and floor each 300 square cubits, also a multiple of 10. The holy of holies was a cube each of whose six sides was 10 cubits square. The holy gives us measurements of 10 cubits and multiples of 10 cubits. It was 10 cubits wide and 10 cubits high, which made its two ends each 10 cubits high and wide, thus 10 cubits square. Its length was 20 cubits, a multiple of 10, which made its two long sides, ceiling and floor each 200 square cubits, also a multiple of 10. Its sanctuary curtains, the linen curtains, were 10 in number; and its unfolded "tabernacle" curtains, those made of goats' hair, were also 10, whose length—30 cubits—was a multiple of 10, which made each of the two 300 square cubits, a multiple of ten, the folded part not covering the linen curtains. The first and second veils were each 10 cubits high and 10 cubits wide, which made each of them 10 cubits square. The pillars at the first and second veils were each 10 cubits high. The boards on the north and south sides were 40 in number, a multiple of 10, and the six west boards plus the corner boards, sawn into halves, made a total of 10 boards. Their sockets were 100 in number, a multiple of 10; and their tenons also numbered
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
100, a multiple of 10. The 60 court pillars were also a multiple of 10. Hence the frequent occurrence of the number 10 shows that it is a key number. The number 5 is also a key number in the tabernacle, as the following facts show: for not only are the numbers 10 and its multiples also multiples of 5, but independently of this consideration the number 5 frequently appears in the tabernacle, e.g., both the linen curtains and their goats' hair covering curtains were each divided into two sets of 5. The court curtain was 5 cubits high, the entire length, exclusive of the gate of the court, being 280 cubits, or 7,000 inches, multiples of 5 and 70. The gate of the court was 5 cubits high, and in being 20 cubits long was a multiple of both 5 and 10. Its area is 100 cubits also a multiple of 5 and 10. There were 5 pillars at the first veil, and 5 sockets were their bases. There were 15 bars, a multiple of 5, and on each side of the tabernacle there were 5 bars. There were 5 sets of curtains; the linen, goats' hair, those at the first and second veils and the court curtain. The altar of burnt offering was 5 cubits long, 5 cubits wide, and its six sides were each 5 cubits long, all their areas being multiples of 5. Its grate was 5 cubits long and 5 cubits wide, with an area of 25 square cubits, a multiple of 5. Thus the frequent occurrence of 5 in tabernacle measurements proves that 5 is a tabernacle key number. We might here remark that 5 and 10 are, among others, key numbers of Noah's ark, the Great Pyramid and both Solomon's and Ezekiel's temples, as is to be expected.
(24) The tabernacle key number 18 is indicated in a different way from its key numbers 5 and 10. It is gathered from the fact that there are, including the tabernacle as a whole, 18 different kinds of tabernacle constituents. They are the following: (1) the tabernacle as a whole; (2) the holy; (3) the most holy; (4) the curtains; (5) the court; (6) the copper altar; (7) the copper laver; (8) the golden table; (9) the golden altar; (10) the golden candlestick; (11) the
ark; (12) the vessels; (13) the boards; (14) the sockets; (15) the pillars; (16) the skin coverings; (17) the bars; (18) the connectives: loops, taches, ouches, tenons, rings, staves, pins, ropes, fillets, hooks, 10 (being one of the key numbers and a multiple of another, 5 x 2 = 10) connectives in all. This key number 18 takes in the tabernacle the place of the key number II, i.e., 3.14159+ in the Pyramid. The above-mentioned 18 tabernacle constituents, including the tabernacle itself, represent the Church and its helps. Please note the following features of 18 that corroborate its being a tabernacle key number: 18 is the sum of the numbers, 3, 4, 5 and 6; and the product of 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 = 360; and 360 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 ÷ (5 X 5) = 144,000; and 18 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 ÷ (5 X 5 X 5) = 144,000, the number of the glorified Little Flock. One may ask why are these three called key numbers? The answer is, that they open up numeric secrets that God has hidden in symbolisms of the tabernacle, and that without them we cannot see how such secrets lie hidden therein. One may also ask how do we know that these are tabernacle key numbers. The answer is twofold: (1) the tabernacle, as above shown, has them embedded in its measurements and in itself and its constituents; and (2) their various combinations open up marvelous secrets otherwise not seen and not seeable as embedded in the tabernacle and its constituents. The following illustrates this second point: If we had a lock of greatly varied complexity, which no key except one among thousands of keys, and that, one of great complexity, could open, would we not be warranted in saying that that was the right key? So the way God has embedded in the tabernacle and its constituents certain of His secrets, nothing but combinations of 18, 10 and 5 can, sometimes with one, sometimes with two, and usually with all three of these keys, manifest their presence there. Of course, elsewhere by various Scriptures God has set these teachings, forth. But He corroborates them through the secret way in which He hid them
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
in the tabernacle and its constituents by varied uses of these key numbers and by combinations of them. And assuredly our faith will be greatly strengthened in our understanding of the types of the tabernacle by these corroborations, especially as they are so numerous.
(25) We will, first of all, point out some time features hidden in the tabernacle and its constituents; thereafter we will point out other secrets hidden therein, especially things related to the 144,000, to Jehovah's name as the tabernacle's architect and to the Millennium as the period when the 144,000 will bless the world. Before giving any of these, it will be in place to point out the fact that, as in the case of the Great Pyramid, the tabernacle cubit is the sacred cubit, the one of 25 inches. Ancient nations did not have uniformity in the length of the cubit, some using one of 16, some one of 18, and some one of 22 inches. Our Pastor when writing Tabernacle Shadows used the cubit of 18 inches. This measurement uniformly kept would maintain the relative proportion of the parts to one another; but it breaks down when it comes to point out the various features to be presented hereinafter. The sacred cubit was also used in Noah's ark and in Solomon's and Ezekiel's temples, in all of which the cubit of 18 inches breaks down on working out the symbolisms that are later to be given, and in all of which the cubit of 25 inches, the sacred cubit, fits nicely. It is but reasonable that God should, in working out these symbols, have ignored the conflicting cubits of the heathen, and used one adapted to His purposes, which is the sacred cubit, called so because of the uses to which God put it.
(26) Now to some tabernacle-indicated time features. From the northeast end of the gate of the court, which was 20 cubits long, to the northeast corner the court curtain was 15 cubits, its north and south sides 200 cubits, its west side 50 cubits, and from the southeast end of the gate to the southeast corner it was 15 cubits, which totals 280 cubits, or 7,000 inches.
These symbolize the 7,000 years from Adam's fall, Oct., 4127 B. C., until Oct., 2874, when the whole race will be enclosed within human perfection, typed by the court condition, which the court curtain enclosed. The exact middle of the west court curtain is 3,500 inches from the northeast end of the gate of the court, the cubits of this being 15+100+25 = 140, which X 25 = 3,500 inches, which symbolizes that from Adam's fall, Oct., 4127 B.C. to the beginning of the last observed typical jubilee, Oct., 627 B.C., would be 3,500 years, a half of the period from the fall to restitution. Again, adding to these figures the 25 cubits from the center of the west court curtain to the southwest corner of the court's curtain, i.e., the inches in 25 cubits, i.e., 625 inches, the total of these inches is 4,125, symbolizing 4,125 years from Adam's fall, Oct., 4127 B.C., which brings us to Oct., 2 B.C., the date of Christ's birth. The distance from the northeast end of the gate around the curtain as indicated above to ¾ of the length of the curtains of the south side from the southwest corner is exactly 6,000 inches, i.e., exactly 6,000 years from Adam's fall, Oct., 4127 B.C., i.e., Oct., 1874, the date of Jesus' Second Advent; because, as just seen, the distance from the north end of the gate is 4,125 inches to the southwest corner, and 3/4 the length of the south curtain is 75 cubits, or 1,875 inches; and 4,125+1,875 inches are 6,000 inches. The rest of the distance (25+15 = 40, 40 X 25 = 1,000) gives the length of the Millenium. Bro. Dockey's point in Reprints, 6436, par. 5 is not well taken. Without any proof he assumes that the center of the holy of holies is 75 cubits or 1,875 inches from the center of the court gate, which is contrary to a number of proofs, later to be given, to the effect that the tabernacle's west wall was flush against the court's west curtain. He claims that these 1,875 inches symbolize the period from Oct., 2 B.C. to Oct., 1874, and that the center of the most holy so reached symbolizes Christ's Second Advent to occur Oct., 1874 A. D., and the
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
gate's center so departed from represents His birth as being Oct., 2 B.C. But our Lord's birth is not typed by the court's gate, which represents Him as the Agent of our justification, and He did not become our justification until Pentecost when He appeared in the presence of God for us (Heb. 9:24). Thus there are two errors which spoil his point, in the way he seeks to prove it. But this point is proved by measuring the inches from the northeast end of the court's gate to the point 3/4 of the distance from the southwest corner to the southeast corner of the court's curtain, as shown above. The same thing is also gotten by beginning at the southeast end of the gate and going to the point 3/4 of the distance from the northwest corner to the northeast corner of the court's curtain. Thus the court curtains, we see, as a whole and in parts give us some time features.
(27) Next we will study some of the prophetic time periods symbolized in the tabernacle. One of these is the Times of the Gentiles, the 2,520 years that we get from the seven times of Lev. 26:17-28 and Dan. 4:25, 32. These seven times began Oct., 607 B.C. and ended Oct., 1914. Their half appears in the three and a half times of Dan. 12:7; in the 42 months of Rev. 11:2 and in the 1,260 days of Rev. 11:3. We are not told in the Bible just where in the court the tabernacle stood, but a number of features that will be brought out imply that it stood in the center of its west side at the exact middle between the south and north sides of the court and flush against the west side of the court. This being the case, to measure the width of the court we should deduct the width of the tabernacle, which is 10 cubits, for the 144,000 in traveling from the gate of the court to the door of the tabernacle would be using this same width of space in the court, i.e., a space 70 cubits long and 10 cubits wide. Thus the space exclusively given the symbolic Gentiles, the unconsecrated, would be the part outside these 10 cubits, though they also shared crowdingly this space
with the Little Flock. This reduces their exclusive part of the court from its 50 cubits width to 40 cubits, but leaves the 100 cubits lengths intact. However, by persecution and oppression, crowding, they trod down the Holy City, the 144,000, in this space of 70 X 10. Thus 50 cubits—10 cubits = 40 cubits, and the total of the resultant width and the length is 140 cubits. Multiplying 140 by the chief key number, 18, we get (140 X 18) 2,520, which represents the years of the Times of the Gentiles. And this result shows a certain time relation between the Times of the Gentiles, in which Israel is trodden under foot of the literal Gentiles, and the time that the symbolic Gentiles will tread under foot the symbolic Jews. This is a suggestion of Bro. Morton Edgar. But a more direct way of arriving at this period is that indicated in Lev. 26:17-28, which we will now give. This way also leaves out the tabernacle and its width. Thus: the length of the north and south sides of the court, 200 cubits, the width in front, 50 cubits, the width of the back minus the width of the tabernacle, 40 cubits, twice the length of the tabernacle, 60 cubits and the width of the tabernacle, 10 cubits. Hence, 200+50+40+60+10 = 360 cubit years, or a time of cubits, and 7 of these cubit times would be 7 X 360 = 2,520 cubit years.
(28) The Bible gives us many references to the 1,260 years under the various expressions of 1,260 days, time, times and the dividing of times (or half a time), 42 months and three years and six months (Rev. 11:1-3; 12:6, 14; Dan. 7:25; 12:7; Jas. 5:17). The Holy City, the 144,000, according to Rev. 11:1-3, in the journey from the Gate of the Court to the Door of the Tabernacle traverses, according to the above, 70 symbolic cubits' distance, i.e., the length of the court, 100 cubits, less the length of the tabernacle, 30 cubits, or 70 cubits. Multiplying 70 by the key number 18 (70 X 18) we get 1,260 cubits, which represent the 1,260 years referred to in the above-cited Scriptures. During the time of traveling these 70 symbolic cubits,
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
or 1,260 years, the Holy City, the 144,000, have been persecuted and oppressed, "trodden down," by the symbolic Gentiles, to whom was given the court. There is also yet a second way of showing this period of the Church's being trodden down by the symbolic Gentiles. It is this: The area of the strip of the court from the gate of the Tabernacle, taking 70 cubits for its length and 10 cubits, the width of the tabernacle, for its width, is (10 X 70) 700 cubits. Using the key numbers 18 and 10, the former to multiply and the latter to divide, we get 1,260. Thus, 700 X 18 = 12,600, which ÷ 10 = 1,260. Thus again by the use of two of the key numbers in connection with the area of the involved antitypical strip traversed by the 144,000 during their special oppression by the symbolic Gentiles, which oppression was in the Church's justified humanity symbolized by the court where they were oppressed, we get the period of such oppression, 1,260 years, which, as our beloved Pastor showed us, was from 539 to 1799 A. D., papacy's period of persecuting power.
(29) Another tabernacle confirmation of a time feature is given us on the 70 weeks of Dan. 9:24. As we know, these 70 weeks began Oct., 455 B. C., when Nehemiah finished and dedicated the walls, i e., put into effect the decree to rebuild the walls. They were finished, as far as building them is concerned, Elul (sixth month) 25, i.e., five days before the first day of the seventh month (Neh. 6:15). And the dedication began with special religious services the first day of the seventh month (Neh. 8:1, 2); but the date of its completion, solemnized by a double procession (Neh. 12:27-43), is not given, but very probably it was the 28th of the seventh month; for the events of Neh. 9 and 10 occurred on the 24th of the seventh month (Neh. 9:1) and the events, which chapters 11 and 12 show were related to those of chapters 9 and 10, from then to the dedication's completion by the procession doubtless took about 4 days more. Midway between the 1st and 28th was the 14th, on which exact
day 483 years later (Dan. 9:25) we know that Jesus was anointed, as He consecrated on the 10th, in antitype of the date of the bullock's sacrifice, a dated institutional type, whose antitype therefore, had to set in on that date, and that to sit in His antitypical booth on the 15th He was Spirit-begotten late in the afternoon of the 14th, it taking 4 days for Him to go from Nazareth immediately after His consecration to the place on the Jordan where John baptized Him, reputedly near Jericho. In harmony therewith are the two dated events exactly 3 and a half years later—Jesus' setting aside as the Lamb for death the 10th and His death the 14th of Nisan. Accordingly, the middle of the dedicatorial period is the time that the decree to rebuild Jerusalem's walls is counted as going into effect. Hence, the 14th of the seventh month, in Oct., 455 B. C., is the date of the 70 weeks' beginning; and hence they ended in Oct., 36 A. D., the 14th of the seventh month, when exclusive Jewish favor ended.
(30) Let us see how this is hidden in the tabernacle. As shown above, it was 70 cubits from the gate of the court to the door of the tabernacle, and these represent the 70 weeks from the central time of the wall's dedication until exclusive favor was taken from typical Israel, whose typical justification put them typically in the antitypical Court. The typical court's curtains correspond to the walls of the typical holy city (Neh. 11:1). But in Oct., 36 A.D., those not since Nisan 10, 33 A.D., cast thereout ceased to have this typical standing, which had given them exclusive favor as a thing limited to them; for the mass of Israel lost it Nisan 10, 33 A.D., when Jesus came nigh to the city and pronounced blindness upon it as the representative of that rejected mass, "this thy day" (Luke 19:42, 43). The 49,000 years from the beginning of the creative week until the perfecting of the earth, Oct., 2874, are also indicated in the tabernacle as one of its secrets. This is shown by the area of the court. After the church leaves the earth there will no more be the
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antitypical Holy, though the antitypical Most Holy will then exist and will eternally exist. The length and width of the court are 100 cubits and 50 cubits respectively. Its area, therefore, is 100 X 50, or 5,000 square cubits. But the presence of the Most Holy during the Millennium and afterwards requires us to deduct its area, 10 X 10, or 100 square cubits, from this amount, reducing the area of 5,000 square cubits to 4,900 square cubits. Then multiplying this by the key number 10, which, among other things, indicates human completeness, we have, 4,900 X 10 = 49,000 square cubits, which gives us the years in the period from the beginning of ordering the earth (Gen. 1:3) until it is perfect, Oct., 2874, through the work of the Christ of God.
(31) After the generalities just given on certain numeric features, including some time features, hidden in the tabernacle, some details of numeric features hidden therein will now be set forth. These details begin with the curtains, the court curtains having already been in part set forth, others of them to come later. All workers on the antitypical Tabernacle worked on the antitypical linen Curtains, the Church (Head and Body) as new creatures (every wise hearted man … wrought … curtains … linen, v. 8), as to faithfulness (blue), royalty (purple) and sin-offerings (scarlet), interweaving into the Church the Divine attributes of wisdom, power, justice and love (cherubim, Ezek. 1), very deftly wrought by the Truth servants into the Church's character (cunning work). Now some symbolisms will be brought out, hidden in the dimensions of the linen curtains. Each of the ten linen curtains was 28 cubits long (v. 9), which made the 10 total 280 cubits in length. 280 cubits (280 x 25 = 7,000), are 7,000 inches, which symbolize that by the end of the 7,000 years (Oct., 4127 B.C., to Oct., 2874 A.D.) the Christ will have brought human perfection out of the ruins of the curse. These ten linen curtains were coupled in two sets of five each (v. 10). The length of these five was 140 cubits, which (140 x 25 = 3,500) is 3,500 inches,
picturing that one set symbolized the period from the fall, Oct., 4127 B.C., to Oct., 627 B.C., when the last jubilee came, and that the 140 cubits of the other set (3,500 inches) symbolized the period from the last jubilee's beginning until Oct., 2874, when perfection will have set in. That human perfection is thereby symbolized is also indicated in the number 10 (ten curtains), the number of perfection in natures lower than the Divine. The linen curtains were each 4 cubits wide, making the ten 40 cubits wide. 40 cubits (40 x25) are 1,000 inches, the curtains thus symbolizing that it would be in a 1,000-year period that the Christ blesses the race.
(32) The Church (Head and Body) is hidden in these curtains in other ways. The linen curtains were each 28 cubits long and 4 cubits wide (v. 9). The sum of these dimensions is 32 cubits. Let us to this sum apply the tabernacle key numbers as follows, and we will find that they point out the Christ as consisting of 144,000 members: 32 x 18 x 10 x 5 x 5 = 144,000. This same truth is hidden in each of the ten linen curtains (vs. 8, 10). Thus this truth is hidden ten times in the linen curtains; hence we will number our next point (11). Again, the goat hair curtains were each 30 cubits long and four cubits wide (v. 15). The area of each of these curtains (30 x 4) was 120 square cubits. The folded curtain, half visible, the other half invisible, in the court (26:9), was (10 x 4) 40 square cubits. The sum of these two areas is (120+40) 160 square cubits. (11) Again using the tabernacle key numbers, and that with this sum, we have the following: 160 x 18 x 10 x 5 = 144,000, which again points out the Christ as consisting of 144,000 members. Each of the other ten goat hair curtains (v. 16) has the same truth hidden in it; for the eleven are each of the same dimensions (v. 15). The ten goat hair curtains, which were in each case two cubits longer than the linen curtains under them, (2 x 4 [cubits wide] x 10 [curtains] = 80), 80 x 18 x 10 x 10 = 144,000. The square cubits (10 x 2+10 x 2 = 40) in both folded parts of the eleventh goat hair curtain, the part
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visible in the court and the part visible in the holy, contain the truth that the Christ consists of 144,000 members, thus 40 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ 5 = 144,000. The 60 square cubits (2 x 30 = 60) in the half of the eleventh goat hair folded curtain added to the just mentioned 80 square cubits = 140 square cubits, yield the following: 140 x 18 = 2,520, symbolizing the years of the Times of the Gentiles. The parts (10 x 30 x 4 = 1,200 square cubits) of the ten goat hair curtains that covered the linen added to the square cubits of either half of the eleventh curtain (30 x 2 = 60 square cubits) yield 1,260 square cubits, symbolizing for each half the years that the Church was trodden down—539-1799 A. D. Thus we have so far found in the curtains 23 times the Christ as being of 144,000 members; the period of the plan of God as lasting 7,000 years; these 7,000 years divided exactly in half: one-half before the last typical jubilee kept by Israel, and the other half after the last typical jubilee kept by Israel; and in each one of the ten linen curtains we have found the Millennium to be a period of 1,000 years, as the time for the Christ to perfect the race, whose perfection as the Christ work is indicated in each of the ten linen curtains. Further, we have found that in the goat hair curtains in twelve ways the Christ as consisting of 144,000 members is set forth; also the 2520 year period once, and the 1260 year period twice.
(33) Not only so, but by all the tabernacle curtains and skin coverings we find the name of Jehovah, perhaps correctly pronounced Yahveh, set forth. The Hebrew vowels, as we count vowels, have no numeric values; but the consonants do have them. The consonants of God's name are: Yod, He, Vav, He. Their numeric values are as follows: Yod = 10, He = 5, Vav = 6, He = 5. In the curtains and skin coverings we find that God has signed His name as the tabernacle's Architect, as follows: The linen curtains were in number 10 (Yod); the goats' hair curtains were divided into two sections: one section having 5 (He) curtains, the other 6 (Vav) curtains. Besides these there were two skin
coverings and three other curtains: the rams' skin and the badger or seal skin coverings, which are not set forth as divided into sections (v. 19), thus aggregating only two coverings, then came as third the court curtain, as the fourth the first veil and as the fifth the second veil, altogether totaling five (He) coverings and curtains. Thus in the five groups of curtains and in the two skin coverings God has written His name Yahveh (Jehovah) as the tabernacle's Architect. The name Jehovah appears in another way in the linen curtains and in their goat hair covering curtains, when we combine in various ways their numbers and the lengths of the covering goat hair curtains. Thus there were 10 of each (10 =Yod). If we add the cubit length of each covering goat hair curtain to the number of them and of the linen curtains (30+10+10 = 50) and divide this sum by the number of either of them (10), the quotient (50 ÷ 10) is 5 (He). If we multiply the length of the goat hair curtains by the number of their covering ones (30 x 10 = 300) and then divide this product by the sum of their length and the number of them and of the underlying linen curtains (30+10+10 = 50) we have 300 ÷ 50, or 6 (Vav). If we multiply the number of the covering goat hair by the number of the linen curtains (10 x 10 = 100) and then divide this product by their sum (10+10 = 20) we get 5 (He). A third way of finding Jehovah's name in the 10 covering curtains is this: Each of them (30 x 25 inches = 750 inches) is 750 inches long. The ten (10 x 750 = 7,500) are 7,500 inches long. 7,500 divided by the key number 5 = 1,500. 1,500 = 10 (Yod) x5 (He) x6 (Vav) x5 (He). Also the total number of curtains shows His name: 10 linen; 11 goat hair; 1 ram skin; 1 sealskin; 1 court; 1 first veil; 1 second veil, totaling 26, which equals 10 (Yod) + 5(He) + 6(Vav) + 5(He). The former point could be spoken of as giving God's name five times in the number 7,500. Thus in nine ways God has written His name in the curtains. The loops and the taches have hidden in them the tabernacle's three key numbers;
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and this is what we should expect of them, since they are connectives, and thus should connect us with things connected with finding the tabernacle's mysteries. In the ten linen curtains there were 900 loops and 450 taches (vs. 11-13) and in the ten goat hair curtains there were also 900 loops and 450 taches (vs. 17, 18). These total (900 + 450 + 900 + 450) 2,700. The goat hair curtain that was doubled in the forefront of the tabernacle does not count in here; for it did not cover any of the linen curtains, and was used to represent its court, visible part, tentative justification, and its holy, visible part, vitalized justification, which acted as a partial covering to the dead will (first veil) and not the new creature; hence it does not count for a covering of the Church (the ten linen curtains). But in this number 2,700 God has hidden the tabernacle's key numbers, as follows: 2,700 =18 x 10 x 5 x 3. This shows that there were three key numbers (18, 10 and 5), used to show three (3) things: the Christ, the Millennium and God's name. Thus we see that God hid some of His mysteries (secrets) in the curtains and skin coverings. More than has already been set forth will be shown in the court curtain when we study Ex. 38:9-20.
(34) We now come to a study, in vs. 20-38, of the boards, tabernacle pillars, bars and their appurtenances. We have explained their typical significances in Vol. VIII of the Epiphany Studies In The Scriptures, pages 68 (45)-77 (52), so refer our readers to these explanations, instead of repeating them here. Here will be pointed out the three hidden secrets embedded in the boards, tabernacle pillars, bars and their appurtenances. There were 20 boards on the south side and 20 boards on the north side of the tabernacle (vs. 23, 25). Combining the 20 boards on each of these two sides with the tabernacle's key numbers we have for each side the following: 20 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5x5) = 144,000. Thus here is hidden the secret twice, that the Christ consists of 144,000 members. There were also 20 full boards belonging to the most holy, counting the two
boards sawed in half in the two west corners; or combining the fractions ⅔ of a board at each of the east corners and ⅓ of a board in each of the west corners, there were the equivalent of 20 boards in the most holy. Thus 20 x 8 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) =144,000, the same secret hidden as was shown in the preceding point, and that twice, as is implied in the two ways of getting the 20 boards. As just shown, the boards in the west wall of the most holy were 8 in number (vs. 27, 30). Combining their number, 8, with two of the key numbers, we have the following: 8 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 144,000. This is also shown in each single board; for each board's perimeter (10+10 + 1½ + 1½ = 23) is 23 cubits. This plus the number of square cubits in its area (10 x 1½ = 15 square cubits) equals 38. From 38 deduct the key number 18 (38-18 = 20). Then apply to this our key numbers thus: 20 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) =144,000. This appears once each time in the 48 boards. Again, the square cubits in these 48 boards (48 x 15 = 720) multiplied by the number of tenons (2) in each board equals 1440. Applying to this the key number 10 we have: 144 x 10 x 10 = 144,000. The coupling together of the two boards sawn in half from top to bottom symbolizes that they in each case represented a Bible book, i.e., the one on the southwest corner, being on the side where stood the pillar representing the book of Revelation, over against the center of the board representing the book of Numbers, types the book of Deuteronomy; while the one in the northwest corner of the west wall, being on the side where stood the pillar representing the book of Hebrews, over against the center of the board representing the book of Exodus, types the book of Leviticus (vs. 28, 29).
(35) According to vs. 24, 26, 30, each board had two sockets [literally, pedestals], hence 20 boards had 40 sockets. Applying our three key numbers to this number, the following appears: 40 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ 5 = 144,000, also revealing in a hidden way that the Christ would consist of 144,000 members. This symbolism, of
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course, appears three times, since, as shown above, there were 20 boards on the south side, 20 on the north and a total of 20 full boards on the three sides of the most holy, each having two sockets, or pedestals. The 8 boards on the west side, like all the other boards, had each two sockets, hence 16 in all. Applying to these 16 our three key numbers we find the following: 16 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 5 = 144,000—the same truth again hidden in the tabernacle. The second veil had for its supports four pillars, each of which had a socket (vs. 35, 36). Thus there were four sockets for these four pillars. As before, let us apply to this number 4 our key numbers, as follows: 4 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x10÷5 = 144,000. This result occurs twice, because the pillars, as well as their sockets, were four in number. The same remark as in the other cases applies here as to the prefigured number of the Christ's members. The first veil had five pillars and five sockets (v. 38). Please note the following result of applying to this number, 5, our key numbers: 5 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) = 144,000. Here, because of there being five pillars and five sockets at the first veil God twice hid the thought of the number of members in the Christ class. Also combinedly the pillars show the same truth: They total 9. To this we apply the key numbers, 10 and 5, as follows: 9 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) = 144,000. The same result is also found in using the combined number of pillar sockets—9. There was a set of five bars on each of the three boarded sides of the tabernacle (vs. 31, 32). In each case the middle bar extended the whole length of each wall (v. 33). The top and the bottom bars in each of the three boarded walls were half the length of each wall. Applying to the five bars of each of the three boarded walls our key numbers, the following results: 5 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) = 144,000, the same symbolization as before on the number of the Christ's members. This appears three times, once for each of the three walls. This is also shown in the combined number of bars together with the combined number
of boards that they held together; for there were 15 bars in all and 48 boards in all. Now 15 x 48 = 720. Applying our key numbers as follows we have: 720 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ 5 = 144,000. Also the number of the small bars (12) shows it: 12 x 12 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 144,000. So, too, 12 x 4 (the number of short bars on each side) x 3 (the number of long bars) x 10 x 10 x 10=144,000. Incidentally the key number 18 is indicated in the combined number of holy and most holy pillars and their sockets (9 x 2 = 18); also in the number of full bars (3) multiplied by the number of half length bars (6) considered as full length bars (3 x 6 = 18).
(36) From vs. 21, 23, 25, 27, 28 we find that the tabernacle's length, height and width were respectively: 30, 10 and 10 cubits. Their sum was 50 cubits. Applying to this number our key numbers as follows, we find the same result as often before was found on the number of the Christ's members: 50 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) =144,000. The sum of the tabernacle's length and height was (30+10) 40 cubits. Combining this with our key numbers we get the following: 40 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ 5 = 144,000. The same sum, 40, results from adding the length and width of the tabernacle; hence in a second way the previous figures are used, with the same result. Again, the height and width of the tabernacle, being respectively 10 cubits, total 20 cubits; and by applying our key numbers we reach the same secret hidden here. Thus: 20 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) = 144,000. The diagonal of each of the long sides of the tabernacle is 31.6227766 cubits, which, being the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle with sides of 30 and 10 cubits, is obtained by squaring each of these two sides, whose sum equals the square of that hypotenuse. The diagonal of the short, the west, side of the tabernacle is 14.1421356 cubits, which is obtained in the same way as the other hypotenuse, here using 10 cubits for each side. If the first of these hypotenuses or diagonals is squared the result is 1,000 square cubits; and if the second is squared the result is 200 square cubits.
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Their sum equals 1,200 square cubits. Now 1,200 x 1,200 ÷ 10 =144,000, the same hidden symbolism often before gotten, here lying in the tabernacle's diagonals, a fact brought out four times, since there are four long sides in the tabernacle, counting also the ceiling and floor such sides. The tabernacle had four length lines, two at the top and two at the bottom, these four lines of 30 cubits each, which added together give us the sum of 120 cubits. Applying to the square of 120 the key number 10 we have: 120 x 120 x 10 = 144,000. Again, the same secret is the four length lines of the tabernacle.
(37) There are also four height lines, of 10 cubits each, in the tabernacle: two in the front and two in the rear. Their sum is 40 cubits. Applying to this number our key numbers, we get as follows: 40 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ 5=144,000. The same secret, this time hidden in the four height lines. There are also four width lines, of 10 cubits each, in the tabernacle: two in the front top and bottom, and two in the rear top and bottom. Their sum is 40 cubits. Applying to this sum our key numbers as follows, we get the same hidden truth, this time in the width lines of the tabernacle, thus: 40 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ 5=144,000. If we add all the cubit length, height and width lines (4 x 30+ 4 x 10 + 4 x 10 = 120 + 40 + 40 = 200) we obtain 200 cubits. Applying to these 200 cubits our key numbers we will again get the same secret, this time hidden in the sum of all the cubit length, height and width lines. Thus, 200 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) =144,000. There are eight long diagonals in the tabernacle's four sides, counting the floor and the ceiling also as sides of it, each side, of course, having two diagonals. If we square the long diagonal, which we saw above makes 1,000 square cubits and multiply it by 8, the number of long diagonals (8 x 1,000), we get 8,000 square cubits as the sum of the squares of all the long diagonals of the four surfaces of the tabernacle. If we multiply these 8,000 square cubits by the main tabernacle key number (8,000 x 18 =144,000), we again get the same secret, this time from the sum of the
squares of all the tabernacle surfaces' long diagonals. We get the same secret hidden in the short diagonals. There are four of such: two in the front and two in the rear of the tabernacle. Above we saw that the square of the short diagonal is 200 square cubits, which would make the sum of the squares of all four 800 square cubits (4 x 200 = 800). Applying two of our key numbers to this number we have the same secret hidden in the short diagonals. Thus 800 x 18 x 10 = 144,000.
(38) The Lord has been careful to put this same secret hiddenly in the lengthwise circuit of the tabernacle. Its lengthwise circuit is 80 cubits, its two sides being 30 cubits each, and its front and rear 10 cubits each (30+30+10+10=80). Applying to these 80 cubits two of our key numbers we get 80 x 18 x 10 x 10= 144,000. Thus is hidden the same secret in the lengthwise circuit of the tabernacle. The same secret lies hidden in the crosswise circuit of the tabernacle. Its crosswise circuit was 40 cubits, as the height of each side was 10 cubits and its floor and ceiling were each 10 cubits (10+10+10+10=40). Applying to this our three key numbers we get this secret hidden in the crosswise circuit of the tabernacle: 40 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ 5 = 144,000. In still another way God has embedded this secret in the tabernacle's dimensions. The area of each one of its four long sides (30 x 10 = 300) is 300 square cubits. The area of its four long sides would be four times 300 square cubits, which is 1,200 square cubits. Applying the key number 10 to the square of 1,200 cubits we get 144,000. Thus: 1,200 x 1,200 = 1,444,000; and this divided by 10 is 144,000. Thus God has given us this secret hidden in the area of the floor, ceiling and the two long sides of the tabernacle. Finally, He has given us this secret in a sixteenth way, i.e., in the areas of both ends of the tabernacle. The area of each of these is 100 square cubits; for each of these ends is 10 cubits high and 10 cubits wide. Thus 10 x 10 = 100. The sum of the areas of the two ends was (2 x 100) 200 square cubits. Applying our key numbers to these 200
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
square cubits we get 144,000. Thus: 200 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5x5) = 144,000. Thus in the tabernacle's end walls God has embedded the truth that the Christ class would consist of 144,000 members. This can be shown from the 4 cubical diagonals; also from the total of diagonals (4 end, 8 lengthwise and 4 cubical, or 16): 16 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 5=144,000. This truth has been embedded in the dimensions of the tabernacle at least 19 times.
(39) But in the tabernacle as a whole there were other symbolizations, nine of them pointing out the Millennium and five of them pointing out God's name. Above we saw that the square of the long diagonal (31.6227766 x 31.6227766 = 1,000) was 1,000 square cubits, indicating 1,000 years. Such a long diagonal we find occurs eight times: two times each in the roof, floor and each of the side walls. Hence by the long diagonals of the tabernacle God has indicated eight times that the Millennium will last 1,000 years. The square of the tabernacle's length (30 x 30=900) is 900 square cubits; the square of the height (10 x 10) is 100 square cubits; and the sum of 900 and 100 is 1,000. The width being the same as the height, the sum of the squares of the length and of the width is also 1,000. The length of the tabernacle in inches (30 x 25) was 750 inches. The height in inches (10 x 25) was 250 inches. And the sum of these two numbers (750+250) is 1,000. The width being the same as the height, the sum of the length and width in inches is also 1,000 inches. The cross circuit, as we saw above, was 40 cubits, which reduced to inches (40 x 25) make 1,000 inches. We also saw above that the area of each end wall (10 x 10) was 100 square cubits. Applying to this area the key number 10 we have (100 x 10), again 1,000. This holds true for each end. Also the entire perimeter: 4 x 30 (length) +4 x 10 (one end perimeter) + 4 x 10 (the other end perimeter) = 200, which multiplied by the key number 5 = 1,000. Thus in nine ways in the tabernacle as a whole God indicates that the Millennium is a period of 1,000 years. Now there will be pointed out the fact that in five ways
God has pointed out that He was the tabernacle's Architect. Above we pointed out the four consonants that spell God's name: Yod (10), He (5), Vav (6) and He (5). The tabernacle was 10 cubits high = Yod. The sum of its length, height and width divided by its height equals 5=He. Thus: 30+10+10 = 50, and 50 ÷ 10 = 5 =He. Its length multiplied by its height (30 x 10) is 300. And 300 divided by the sum of its length, height and width (30+10+10 = 50) gives us 6. Thus 300 ÷ 50 = 6 =Vav. The height multiplied by the width (10 x 10 = 100) and this product (100) divided by the sum of the height and width (10+10 = 20) gives us the quotient 5. Thus 100 ÷ 20 = 5 =He. Thus we have gotten God's name spelled in English: YHVH. But this is also obtained in three other ways. It will be noted that in getting the first He we divided the sum of the length, height and width (30+10+10 = 50) by the height (10); but the division of this sum can be made by the width (10), which is equal to the height. This change, using the same methods of getting the other three letters, gives us a second way of finding God's name in the tabernacle as a whole. It will be also noted that in getting the letter Vav (6) we divided the product of the length and height (30 x 10 = 300) by the sum of the length, height and width (30+10+10 = 50); for 300 ÷ 50 = 6. But since the width is the same as the height (10 cubits) we could have taken the product of the length and width (30 x 10 = 300) and divided it by the sum of the length, height and width (30+10+10 = 50) and thus have gotten the quotient 6 =Vav. Similarly, by changing the dimension names but not values of the dimensions in the fourth process above we get He (5). This change, using the other three sets of figures as before will give us a third way of reaching the name of God in the tabernacle as a whole. Finally, by using the second way by which we found the first He and the second way by which we found the Vav (6), we furthermore reach a fourth way of getting God's name in the tabernacle as a whole. The six sides of the
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tabernacle also give us Vav. Combining this with the other ways used above for getting the other three letters of God's name yields us another way of finding God's name in the tabernacle as a whole—five in all.
(40) We will now present some things hidden in the first and second veils (vs. 35, 37). We will first show how God has pointed out the Christ in these two veils, one typing the death of the Christ's will, the other the death of the Christ's body. These veils were 10 cubits high and 10 cubits wide. The sum of the height and width=20 cubits. Applying to this number of the second veil our key numbers we have the following: 20 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) =144,000. Applying them to the sum of the first veil's height and width gives the same results, because both were of the same size. The sum of the two heights of each veil, being 20 cubits, by the same operation produces the same results twice again. The sum of the two widths of each veil, being also 20 cubits, by the same operation gives us the same results twice. There were four height lines in both veils (4 x 10 = 40). Applying our key numbers to 40 we have the following: 40 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ 5 = 144,000. The four width lines in the two veils, subjected to the same operation, give us again the same result. The perimeter of the first veil (10+10+10+10 = 40) was 40 cubits. Subjected to the same process, it gives us the same result. The same is true of the perimeter of the second veil. The sum of the perimeters of both veils (40+40) was 80 cubits. Subjecting this number to our key numbers 18 and 10 we have: 80 x 18 x 10 x 10 =144,000. The sum of the areas of both veils (2 x 10 x 10) =200 square cubits. Subjecting this number to our key numbers, we have the following: 200 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5)=144,000. As shown in the second veil alone: The area facing the most holy was (10 x 10) 100 square cubits. Its area facing the holy was also 100 square cubits. This sum, 200 square cubits, 200 x 40 (this veil's perimeter, 4 x10) = 8000. 8000 x 18 (key number) = 144,000. The same appears in the first veil. Thus in many ways in
the two veils the Christ is set forth as consisting of 144,000 members. In six ways in connection with the two veils the Millennium is set forth as a period of 1,000 years, in which the Christ will bless the world:
(1) The area of the first veil (10 x 10) =100 square cubits. Applying to this number the key number 10 we have the following: 100 x 10 = 1,000. (2) The second veil having the same dimensions, the same process produces the same result. (3) The sum of the areas of both veils (100+100) = 200. Subjected to the key number 5 it yields the following result: 200 x 5 =1,000. (4) As shown above, the perimeter of the first veil is 40 cubits, which (40 x 25) is 1,000 inches. (5) The perimeter of the second veil, being the same as that of the first veil, subjected to the same operation yields the same result. (6) The four diagonals of the two veils are each 14.1421356 cubits long, whose square is 200. The sum of their squares is 800 square cubits, adding to which that of the veils (100+100) yields 1000.
(41) There are four ways in which God embedded His name in the two veils: (1) In the first veil the height is 10 cubits. 10=Yod. The product of its height and width (100) divided by their sum (20) is 5=He. The sum of its three sides (two heights and one width) not touching the floor (10+ 10+ 10) = 30. This sum multiplied by the sum of the height and width (10+10 = 20) and divided by the area of the first veil (10 x 10 =100) gives us 6 =Vav. Thus 30 x 20 = 600; and 600 ÷ 100 = 6. Finally, the product of the height and the width (10 x 10 = 100) divided by the sum of the height and width (10+10 = 20) yields a quotient of 5=He. Thus, 100 ÷ 20=5. Accordingly, these four features give us the Hebrew numbers that are the consonants of Jehovah's name, whose English equivalents are YHVH. (2) The second veil, having the same dimensions as the first, subjected to the same four processes as the first veil was above subjected to, yields the same four results. This is also shown two more times—once in each veil: The main dimensions of each was 10 (Yod); the
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product of the heights and width of each (10x10=100) divided by the sum of each (10+10 = 20) = 5 (He); each, being quite thick, had 6 (Vav) surfaces (2 sides and 4 edges). The perimeter of each (4 x 10 = 40) plus the height of each (10) divided by the width of each (10) was 5 (He). Thus we have found in the two veils 12 ways of pointing out that the Little Flock will consist of 144,000 members, 6 ways of pointing out that it will be during a 1,000-year period, the Millennium, when the Little Flock will bless the world, and 6 ways in which God has put His name in the veils, 24 in all, a multiple of 12, the Little Flock's number.
(42) From the sizes of the boards given in vs. 20-23; 27-30, especially of those in the most holy, we deduce the tabernacle dimensions as a whole and in the holy and most holy; and these we will now study. That there were 6⅔ boards on the north side and the same number of boards on the south side of the most holy proves that these two sides were each 10 cubits long. That there were six full boards on the west side and a third of another board (which is a half-cubit width) in each corner of the west side of the holy of holies, proves that it also was 10 cubits wide. Thus the holy of holies was a perfect cube, each of whose six sides was 10 cubits square. Since these two corner boards were sawn in halves from top to bottom, each of these halves was ¾ of a cubit wide, and since the parts of these ¾ that were visible in the most holy were in each case a half-cubit wide, the parts of them that ended even with the north and south corner boards must have been ¼ of a cubit wide, which proves that the 48 boards of the tabernacle were ¼ of a cubit, i.e., 6¼ inches, thick. The pillars in the most holy fitting flush against the eastmost boards in the most holy's north and south sides so touched them as to make the two ⅔ in the most holy and ⅓ in the holy, to yield the right sum. The 13⅓ boards in the north side, and the 13⅓ boards in the south side of the holy, prove that the holy was 20 cubits long; and its width being the
same as that of the most holy, it was 10 cubits wide. From now on, instead of making the remark about "adjusting," "subjecting," "applying," etc., the various numbers to the key numbers, we will by the process indicate that such is done. We will now bring out some of the secrets that God hid in the holy on the 144,000, as the number of the Christ's members, on the Millennium as being the 1,000 years when the Christ will bless the world and on the name Jehovah as designating the tabernacle's Architect: (1) The length of the holy was 20 cubits. 20x18x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5 x 5) =144,000. (2) The sum of its length, height and width was 40 cubits (20+10+10 = 40). 40x18x10x10x10 ÷ 5 = 144,000. (3) Its side length diagonals were each 22.36068 cubits long. As we know, the square of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, we must square the length of the holy and add to this the square of its height, or width, then extract the square root of this sum, which will give us the diagonals of the four length sides, i.e., the north, south, ceiling and floor length sides (20x20=400; and 10x10=100; and their sum is 500, whose square root is 22.36068). Its square is, therefore, 500. 500x18x10x10x10x10÷ (5x5x5x5) = 144,000. Since each side has two diagonals, the eight show this eight times. Hence the next point is (11).
(43) (11) The end diagonals measured 14.1421356 cubits each, gotten by the same process as was shown in point (3). The square of this diagonal is 200. 200x 18x10x10x10÷5x5)=144,000. As the holy had two ends and each of these ends had two diagonals, we have here this secret given in four ways. Accordingly, we will number our next general point (15). (15) As seen under (3), the square of each long side diagonal is 500 square cubits, and as there are eight of them the sum of the squares of all eight is 4,000 square cubits (8x500=4,000). 4,000x18x10÷5=144,000. (16) As the square of each of the end diagonals is 200 square cubits [see (11) above], and as there are four
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of such diagonals, we get (4x200) as their sum 800 square cubits. 800x18x10 =144,000. (17) The square of each of the four solid diagonals of the holy = 600, which, as the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle, is the sum of the square of the side diagonal and the square of the height, the two short sides of this right-angled triangle, = 500+100 = 600, whose square root is 24.4949. There are eight long side diagonals, four end, or short side, diagonals and four solid diagonals to the holy. The square root of 500, the square of each long side diagonal, is [see (3) above] 22.36068, and the square root of 200, the square of each end diagonal, is 14.1421356. Since there are eight side, four end, and four solid diagonals, the sum of the squares of the eight side diagonals = 4,000 (8x500); the sum of the squares of the four end diagonals = 800 (4x200) and the sum of the squares of the four solid diagonals (4x600 = 2,400, the sum of the squares of all 16 diagonals (4,000+800+2,400) = 7,200 square cubits. 7,200 x 10 x 10 ÷ 5 = 144,000. (18) The area of the side wall or floor or ceiling (20 x 10) was 200 square cubits. 200 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5x5) = 144,000. Since this is the area of the two sides, the ceiling and the floor, this secret appears four times. Hence we will number our next point (22). (22) The sum of the areas of the two sides, the ceiling and the floor was (4 x 200) 800 square cubits [see (18)]. 800 x 18 x 10 = 144,000. (23) The sum of the length lines of the two long sides, ceiling and floor is (4 x 20) 80 cubits. 80 x 18 x 10 x 10 = 144,000. (24) Take the sum of the squares of all the length lines (4 x 20 x 10 = 1,600), of the height lines (4 x 10 x 10 = 400), of the width lines (4 x 10 x 10 = 400), of the four sides' diagonals (8 x 500 = 4,000) and of the four end diagonals (4 x 200 = 800), and this totals 7,200 square cubits. Thus: 1,600+400+400+4,000+800 = 7,200. And 7,200 x 10 x 10 ÷ 5 = 144,000. (25) The holy's lengthwise circuit (20+10+20+10) was 60 cubits. If this length is taken as a side of a square, the square would be (60 x 60) 3,600 square cubits. And 3,600 x 10 x 10 x 10
÷ (5x5) = 144,000. (26) The holy's crosswise circuit (10+10+10+10) was 40 cubits. 40x18x10x10x10 ÷ 5 = 144,000. (27) If the length of the crosswise circuit is taken as the side of a square, this square (40x40 = 1,600) would be 1,600 square cubits. And 1,600x18x5 = 144;000. (28) If we take the sum of the two sides' perimeters (60+60 = 120) and consider this sum as the side of a square, the square cubits (120x120 = 14,400) are 14,400 square cubits. 14,400x10 = 144,000. (29) If we add the perimeters of both end walls (40 + 40) we obtain 80 cubits. 80x18x10x10 = 144,000. (30) The volume of the holy (20x10x10) was 2,000 cubic cubits. 2,000x18x10x10 ÷ (5x5) = 144,000. Thus in the holy as a structure we find that God has at least 30 times shown the Christ to have 144,000 members.
(44) We will now study some symbolisms of the holy that hide the thought, now revealed, without and with the key numbers, that in the holy the Millennium as a period of 1,000 years will be the time when as God's Vicegerent the Christ will bless the world: First we will point out several features gotten without the use of key numbers. (1) The sum of the two side walls' lengths (20+20) was 40 cubits. 40 cubits are 1,000 inches (40x25 = 1,000). (2) This occurs twice, the second time on the ceiling and floor. (3) The sum of the heights of the two veils (10+10 = 20) and of the length of the ceiling (20) is 40 cubits, or 1,000 inches (40x25 = 1,000). (4) The same is true of the sum of these two heights and the length of the floor line; (5) also of the sum of the two end widths and the length of each long side. Thus this occurs four times; hence this makes 8 points so far indicated without the use of key numbers, that the Christ in the Millennium will bless the world. But we will point out seven others of such features. (9) Its south side was 20 cubits, or 500 inches long (20x25 = 500). Its north side was the same; and 500+500 = 1,000. (10) This is also true of the sum of the ceiling's and floor's lengths. (11) The height was 10 cubits, or 250 inches (10x25 = 250);
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and any two of its four lengths are 500 inches; and the width was 10 cubits, or 250 inches (10x25= 250); and 250 + 500 + 250 = 1,000. This occurs two times, hence we number our next point (13). (13) The sum of all the holy's areas is 1,000 square cubits. Thus the area of each (20 x 10 = 200) of its four sides is 4 x 200=800 square cubits; and of each (10 x 10 = 100) of its two ends is 100 x 2 = 200 square cubits. The sum of these two sets of square cubits is 1,000. (14) The sum of the squares of both diagonals of anyone of the two long sides, the ceiling or the floor, is 1,000 (500+500; see point (3), at end of par. 42). Since there are eight of such diagonals God has pictured the 1,000 years four times in this feature; hence we will number our next point (18). The same truth is brought out by the holy's dimensions and key numbers: (18) Five (key number) times the square of the length of any diagonal in the end walls equals 1,000. The square of each of these diagonals is 200 [see par. 63, (11)]. 5x200= 1,000. Four of such exist; our next point is (22).
(45) (22) The crosswise circuit of the holy (4x10) was 40 cubits. Its lengthwise circuit was (20+10+20+10) 60 cubits. The sum of these two circuits is (40+60) 100 cubits. 100x10 (key number) =1,000. (23) The area of each of the two long sides, of the ceiling and of the floor of the holy is 200 square cubits (20x10=200). 200x5 (key number)=1,000. This being true for each of the four involved areas, we number our next point (27). (27) The area of each of the holy's end walls is 100 square cubits (10x10= 100). 100x10=1,000. This being true of both ends makes, at least, a total of 28 ways in which the holy symbolizes that the Christ will bless the world in the Millennium. There are several ways in which the name, Jehovah, is embedded in the holy: (1) The lengthwise circuit is 1,500 inches (60 x 25=1,500). 1,500= 10(Yod) x 5(He) x 6(Vav) x 5(He). (2) God's name, Jehovah, is embedded in the holy's main dimensions. Thus: The height of the holy was 10 (Yod) cubits.
The product of its height and width (10x10= 100) divided by its length (100 ÷ 20) is 5 (He). The sum of the squares of its length, height and width (20x20 + 10x10 + 10x10=400+100+100 = 600) divided by the square of its width or height (600 ÷ 100 =6) gives us 6 (Vav). The length multiplied by the height, or width, divided by the sum of the length, height and width [(20x10) 200 ÷ (20+ 10+ 10) 40=5] gives us 5 (He). As there are in the process of finding Vav and in the second way of finding He in this way of finding the name Jehovah an alternative use of height and width, and still another as follows: Vav (6) is derived from the number of the holy's surfaces, which were six, there are resultantly five ways of finding the name Jehovah in the holy—(3), (4) and (5). Thus we have found 30 times the 144,000; 28 times the Millennium and 5 times the name Jehovah as Architect symbolized in the holy; but 30+28+5=63 (= 9x7, a multiple of seven, the Divine number) symbolizations in the dimensions of the holy.
(46) There now remains of Ex. 36 the study of the truths hidden in the measurements of the most holy. As we know, the most holy was a perfect cube, whose length, height and width were each 10 cubits: (1) Its six sides were, therefore, bounded by 12 lines, each of the same length—10 cubits. 12 x 10 =120. 120 x 120 x 10 =144,000. (2) Each one of its six sides had two diagonals, hence 12 in all, each one of which was 14.1421356 cubits long. 12 x 12 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 144,000. (3) If we add any two of its dimensions (height, 10; and length, 10; or width, 10) the sum would be 20 cubits. 20x18x10x10x10 ÷ (5 x 5)=144,000. There are three ways of using these dimensions—length and height, length and width, and height and width, with the same result as in (3). Hence we will number our next point (6). (6) As we have seen, each of the most holy's 12 surface diagonals was 14.1421356, whose square is 200 square cubits. 200 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) =144,000. The 12 diagonals give us this point 12 times;
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hence the next point will be numbered (18). (18) Since the sum of the squares of 10 and any of the most holy's side diagonals gives us the square of the solid diagonal, the solid diagonal is thus found to be 17.32051 [10 x 10 (100) + 14.1421356 x 14.1421356 (200) = 300, whose square root is 17.32051]. There are four of such solid diagonals in the most holy. 4 x 300 = 1,200 square cubits. 1,200 x 1,200 ÷ 10 = 144,000. (19) Each of its circuits was 40 cubits. 40 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ 5 = 144,000. Since there are three circuits in a cube the next point will be called (22). (22) Based upon the same fact that its circuit is 40 cubits, these three circuits present the following: 3 x 40 = 120. 120 x 120 x 10 = 144,000. (23) If we add any two of these circuits, we get 80 cubits (40+40=80). 80 x 18 x 10 x 10= 144,000. There being three of such circuit sums possible, we number our next (26). A perfect cube, the most holy, represents the Christ, who is represented in Rev. 21:16 as a perfect cube of 12,000 cubits height, length and width respectively. In each perfect cube there are 12 lines, or edges. Taking the 12 lines of the most holy each one to represent 12,000, as this is the case in the symbolic cube, New Jerusalem of. Rev. 21:16; compare with 7:4-8, we get 12 x 12,000 = 144,000.
(47) Now for some of the most holy's symbolizations that the Christ will bless the world during the Millennium: (1) Each of its three circuits is 40 cubits, which is 1,000 inches (40 x 25=1,000). This appearing three times, we indicate our next point as (4). (4) Each of the six perimeters of the six sides of the most holy is 40 cubits (10+10+10+10 = 40), or (40 x 25) 1,000 inches. This occurring six times, we will number our next point (10). (10) The area of each of its six sides is 100 square cubits (10 x 10). 100 x 10 =1,000. This occurring six times, we will number our next point (16). (16) The cubic contents of the most holy (10 x 10 x 10) are 1,000 cubic cubits. (17) The square of each one of its six sides' diagonals is 200. 200 x 5 =1,000. This occurring 12 times, we number our
next point (29). (29) Any two of the main dimensions (length, height and width) added (10 + 10) yield 20 cubits. 20 x 10 x 5 = 1,000. This occurs three times, making 31 points in all. God has embedded His name Jehovah in the most holy, as the Architect of this structure, which we can recognize by various uses of its length, height and width: (1) The length is 10 cubits (Yod). The product of its length and height (10 x 10 = 100) divided by the sum of its length and height (10 + 10 = 20) = 5(He). The sum of its height, length and width (30) multiplied by the sum of its height and width (10 + 10 = 20) and divided by the product of its height and width (10 x 10 =100) gives us (30 x 20 ÷ 100) 6(Vav). And the product of the length and width (10 x 10 =100) divided by the sum of the height and width (10+10 =20) gives us (100 ÷ 20) 5(He). To simplify matters let us abbreviate the word length by the letter L, the word height by the letter H and the word width by the letter W. We can make four substitutions for the second process of point (1): Lx H ÷ (L+H). This will give us, combined with the other three processes as they stand, by which we got (1), four other ways of finding the name Jehovah. The first of these is L x W ÷ (L+H) = 5 (He). The second of these is H x W ÷ (L+H) = 5 (He). The third of these is H x W ÷ (H+W) = 5 (He). The fourth of these is LxW ÷ (L+W) = 5 (He). This will make us number our next point (6). It will be noted that the fourth, or last, process of (1) was LxW ÷ (H+W) = 5. For this we can also make a substitution, as follows: (6) L x H (10 x 10 = 100) ÷ (H+W) (10+10 = 20) = 5. Then (7) L x H ÷(L+W) = 5. So also (8) HxW ÷ (L+W) = 5. These seven substitutions do not repeat the same combination. In the most holy there are, accordingly, 26 symbolizations of the Christ as having 144,000 members, 31 of the Millennium as the 1,000 years of the Christ blessing the race, 8 of God's name, 65 in all.
(48) We will now proceed to the study of Ex. 37. It will be noted that only our Lord (Bezaleel) and
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the star-members (Aholiab) worked on the antitypical Tabernacle's and Court's furniture and their appurtenances (Ex. 37:1-38:23); but Jesus, the star-members, their special helpers and other assistants worked on other features of the Tabernacle and Court, especially the antitypical curtains and coverings. Or to put it in other ways, all the more important things have been done by Jesus and the star-members alone, while in the less important things the others helped them, while Jesus and the star-members did the main parts of these less important things (36:8-38). From the fact that the mercy seat and its cherubim represent God in His attributes of justice, power and love and from the fact that the chest of the ark represents the Christ beyond the veil, and since God and His attributes have always been, and since God has been resurrecting the Christ in the Divine nature, we construe that building the ark by Bezaleel and Aholiab does not type Jesus and the star-members creating God in His justice, power and love and raising the Head and Body to the Divine nature, but types their giving the pertinent teachings of God in such attributes and of the Christ beyond the veil, while their making the other antitypical furniture and its appurtenances means their developing these antitypes and setting forth the pertinent teachings. It might be further remarked that the wood used in constructing various pieces of furniture is not typical, the type being in the golden or copper coverings, the wood being used doubtless to lighten the weight of the various pieces of furniture (v. 2). The rings and staves having already been given in antitype, it will be unnecessary to repeat them whenever hereafter mentioned. Let us now note the way that the Lord in the ark symbolized the Christ as being 144,000 members, the Millennium 1,000 years in which the Christ blesses the race and the name of God.
(49) The length of the ark was 2½ cubits (v. 1), or (2½x 25) 62½ inches long: (1) 2.5x18x10x10x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5x5x5x5) = 144,000. (2) 62.5x18x
10x10x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5x5x5x5x5x5) = 144,000. (3) The long circuit was 8 cubits (2½+1½+2½+1½ =8), or (8x25) 200 inches. 8x18x10x10x10 = 144,000. (4) 200x18x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5) = 144,000. This is based upon measuring across top and bottom and the two heights; but measuring along the four sides gives us the same figures: 8 cubits, or 200 inches. Hence we get thereby two more points: (5) and (6). (7) The perimeters of the two long sides (2½+1½+2½+1½=8; of both=16) are 16 cubits. The perimeter of each end (4x1½) is 6 cubits; hence for both ends is 12 cubits. The perimeter of the bottom (2½+ 1½+2½+1½) is 8 cubits. The total of the perimeters (16+ 12+8) =36 cubits. This is viewed from the standpoint of an open box, hence the perimeter of the top is not included in these figures. 36x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5) =144,000. (8) Considered as a bottomless box, the perimeter involved will also total 36 cubits, and the figures just given will give us another symbolism. (9) The square of the end diagonal is (the square of each of the two short sides of the involved right-angled triangle is 1.5x1.5, or 2.25, and the sum of the squares of both its short sides would be 2.25+ 2.25=4.5) 4.5 square cubits, which is the square of each end's diagonal, since the diagonal is the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle. There are four diagonals in the ark's two ends, hence 4x4.5=18, the main key number. 18x10x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5x5) = 144,000. (10) The perimeter of each long side of the ark is 8 cubits (2½+ 1½+ 2½+1½ = 8), or 200 inches. 200x18x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5)=144,000. This is also true of the perimeters of the other three sides, hence we number our next point (14). (14) The half of the perimeter of any one of the four long sides of the ark is (2½+1½) 4 cubits. 4 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ 5=144,000. This occurs two times in each of the four long sides; hence the next point is numbered (22). (22) The short perimeter is 4x1½, or 6 cubits, whose square (6x6) is 36 square cubits. 36x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5) = 144,000.
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This short perimeter appears in the two ends, yielding points (23) and (24).
(50) Now will be pointed out how the ark symbolizes that the Christ will bless the world in the Millennium: (1) The long circuit, as pointed out above, was 8 cubits, or 200 inches. 200x5=1,000. This occurs twice, as shown in the preceding paragraph. (3) As seen above, a half of each long perimeter is 4 cubits, or 100 inches. 100x10=1,000. This appears eight times in the four long perimeters, hence there are at least ten features in the ark symbolizing that the Christ will bless the world during the Millennium. The dimensions of the ark in its relation to the dimensions of the most holy enable us to find the name of God, Jehovah, in combinations of these sets of dimensions: (a) By multiplying the length of the ark by the length of the most holy (2½x10) we get 25 square cubits. (b) By multiplying the width of the ark by the width of the most holy (1½x10) we get 15 square cubits. (c) By multiplying the height of the ark by the height of the most holy (1½x10) we get 15 square cubits. Using the letters a, b and c to stand respectively for these three sets of cubit operations as indicated in connection with them, and in certain cases using the sum of the key numbers 10 and 5, we get the following: (1) a-b(25–15) = 10(Yod). b+c-a (15+15–25) = 5 (He). b+c÷5([15+15]÷5) = 6(Vav). a÷5(25÷5) = 5(He). It will be noted that the results found in the operations used in a, b, and c are three sides of the four sides of each of the four perimeters of the ark multiplied by the length, height and width of the most holy respectively. But there are three other long sides of the ark of the same dimensions, which will enable us also to find the name Jehovah by the same calculation, once in each of these three sides. Hence the name Jehovah occurs 4 times in the ark. Thus the ark has 38 symbolizations (24+10+4).
(51) A number of the ark's (vs. 6-9) symbolisms having been given in (49) and (50), they will not be
treated here. The rest of the antitypes of the mercy seat and its cherubim having already been explained, they will not be repeated here. But some may ask, How de we know that the cherubim represent power and love? We give the following reply to this question: In Heb. 9:5 they are called the cherubim[s] of glory. The word glory applied to God usually refers to His character (2 Cor. 3:18) of wisdom, power, justice and love. Since Christ, who is our Mercy Seat (Rom. 3:25), as the righteousness (justice) of God (Rom. 3:22, 25, 26), i.e., the righteousness that God provided for us, the mercy seat represents God's justice, which is also manifest from the Blood of atonement being sprinkled thereon. The Shekinah represents God Himself and the light shining out of it represents His wisdom, through which He, the antitypical Shekinah, is the Light of the universe. Thus this process of elimination proves that the cherubim represent His power and love. We will now study the table of shewbread (vs. 10-16), insofar as not hitherto studied. The dimensions of the table as given in v. 10 were: length, 2 cubits; height, 1 ½ cubits; width, 1 cubit. The table's length (2x25) was 50 inches. (1) 50x18x10x10x10x10x10÷(5x5x5x5)=144,000. This length appears four times, hence we will number the next point (5). Its width in inches (1x25) was 25 inches. (5) 25x18x10x 10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5x5x5x5) = 144,000. This width appears four times: twice on the top and twice on the bottom; hence the next point will be numbered (9). The top diagonal, like all the table's other diagonals, was the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, the sum of the squares of whose short sides equals the square of the hypotenuse, and measured 2.2361 cubits (2x2 = 4; 1x1 = 1; and 4+1=5, whose square root is 2.2361). (9) 2.2361x2.2361(5)x18x10x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5x5x5) =144,000. It had four such diagonals, all of the same length. Hence the next point will be numbered (13). The square of the side diagonal [1½x1½ (2.25) + 2x2(4)] is 6.25 square cubits, whose square root is
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2.5 cubits. Ten times this diagonal is 25 cubits. (13) 25x18x10x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5x5x5x5) = 144,000. Four of such exist; the next point is (17).
(52) The perimeter of the table (2+1+2+1=6) is 6 cubits. (17) 6x6x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5) = 144,000. There are two such perimeters (top and bottom); hence the next point will be numbered (19). The length of the long side perimeter, omitting the bottom (1½+2+1½) is 5 cubits. (19) 5x5x18x10x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5x5x5) = 144,000. This appears twice; hence we will number our next point (21). (21) The length of the long side perimeter omitting the top gives the same result, and this appears twice; hence the next point is number (23). The length of the short side perimeter omitting the bottom (1½ +1+ 1½) is 4 cubits. (23) 4x4x18x10x10x5 = 144,000. There are two such sides; hence the next point will be (25). (25) Omitting the top, but using the bottom, this perimeter gives us the same thing twice again, which makes our next point (27). The top area (2x1) is 2 square cubits. (27) 2x18x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5) = 144,000. The area of the bottom is the same as of the top; using its area we get the same result; hence the next point will be (29). Add all the side perimeters, except the bottom, and we get (the two long sides, each long side being 5 cubits, as just seen, would be 2x5, or 10 cubits; and the two short sides, each short side being 4 cubits, as above, would be 2x4, or 8 cubits): 10+8, or 18 cubits, a key number. (29) 18x10x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5x5) =144,000. (30) Add all the side perimeters, except the top, and we get the same result and figures as point (26). The dimensions of the table's border contain a number of symbolisms. Its top perimeter (2+1+2+1) was 6 cubits. (31) 6x6x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5) = 144,000. (32) The same holds true of the bottom perimeter. Its two top long sides (2+2) were 4 cubits. (33) 4x4x18x10x10x5 = 144,000. (34) The same holds true of its two bottom long sides. The short top sides (1+1) were 2 cubits.
(35) 2x18x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5) =144,000. (36) The same holds true of the short bottom sides. The length of one of the long sides in inches (2x25) was 50 inches. (37) 50x18x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5x5x5) = 144,000. This appears also in the length of the other three long sides; hence the next point will be (41). Its length in one of its two short sides in inches (1x25) was 25 inches. (41) 25 x 18x10x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5x5x5 x5) =144,000. This appears four times, top and bottom of both ends; hence the next point is (45). Its circuit about its sides, as seen above, was 6 cubits; therefore the sum of the two edges, top and bottom edges, of its circuit was 12 cubits. Hence the circuit of its side and the circuits of these two edges=18 cubits, a key number. (45) 18x10x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5x5) =144,000. Thus in the table we get 45 points proving that the Christ consists of 144,000 members. It also symbolizes that the Christ will bless the world during the Millennium. Its top length was 2 cubits. (1) 2x10x10x5=1,000 cubit years. (2) Its bottom length being the same, we get the same result in the same way. (3) and (4) Each of its two side lengths yields the same result. (5) The area (2x1) of the top of the table was 2 square cubits. Hence the same result a fifth time. (6) The area of the bottom of the table was the same; hence in the same way we get the same result a sixth time. One of the short side perimeters, omitting the bottom, as shown above, was 4 cubits. (7) 4 cubits are 100 inches. 100x10=1,000 inch years. (8) The same is true of the other long perimeter, omitting the bottom. (9) and (10) Omitting the top and using the bottom we have the same result twice, once for each short side.
(53) The border also gives us some symbolizations of the Christ's blessing the world in the Millennium. The border's length on one side was 2 cubits. (11) 2x10x10x5=1,000. (12) The same is true of the other long side. The sum of the two short border sides (1+1) was 2 cubits. (13) 2x10x10x5=1,000. Thus in the table and its border there are 13 such symbolizations.
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We get God's name several times in the table. (1) Five times the top length: 5x2=10 (Yod). Five times the width: 5xl=5 (He). The perimeter of the top of the table running from the right to the left, as shown above, was 6 cubits (Vav). Twice the height on one side (2x1½=3) plus the length (2)=5. (He). (Also 4 sides, top and bottom= 6 (Vav), hence by combination four more points.) These same figures in each of the four processes appear in three other ways. Thus: The first process appears in the same figures in the two side lengths and in the bottom length. The second process appears in the same figures in the two side widths and in the bottom width. The third process appears in the same figures in the top perimeter running from left to right, and in the bottom perimeters first running from right to left, and then from left to right. The fourth process appears in the same figures by taking twice the height of each of the other three sides and in each case adding the length. Also the border shows it: 10, 5, 6 (its perimeter), 5. Thus the name Jehovah appears 9 times in the table. Thus (45+13+ 9=67) there are 67 symbolizations in the table. The border's typical significance (vs. 12, 14), so far as we know, has never before been explained. It lent beauty to the table, typical of the beauty of holiness (1 Chro. 15:29; Ps. 29:2; 96:6) that should mark those who hold up the heavenly food to their brethren in order to strengthen them in every good word and work for their heavenly journey. Its crown at its two (top and bottom) edges types the crown of life (Rev. 2:10) that will be given to all who remain faithful as parts of the antitypical Table. Its being a handbreath seems to type that to remain a part of the table, one must not only serve, but serve with his full ability the bread of life to the brethren to strengthen them in the graces.
(54) Our Pastor has explained the details of the candlestick (vs. 17-24) in antitype (T, 115:3—116:3) sufficiently; hence it requires no repetition here. But we will give a few of the symbolizations involved
in the numbers implied in the weight and value figures of its gold, the number of its branches, decorations, etc. These are the only numbers given as to it, except itself as made of one piece of gold. Counting the candlestick as one of its branches as seven, we get the number 8. (1) 8 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 144,000. There was one talent of pure gold that was worked into the candlestick. As weight there were 60 shekels to one mina and 60 minas to one talent, according to the various weights discovered in the excavations of Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Phoenecia and Palestine. Hence (60 x 60=3,600) there were 3,600 shekels in a talent of weight. (2) 3,600 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5x5) = 144,000. But, according to monetary value of gold and silver values, there were 50 shekels in a mina and 60 minas in a talent. This is in harmony with gold and silver values as given in 38:25-28; for each of the 603,550 armed men gave a bekah, which is a half-shekel (v. 26). Hence there were (603,550 ÷ 2) 301,775 shekels of silver given. V. 28 shows that the 1,775 shekels were made into hooks, chapiters and fillets. Hence the 300,000 shekels remaining were made into 100 sockets, each of a talent value (v. 27). Hence (300,000 ÷ 100) 3,000 shekels were a talent of gold and silver value. (3) 3,000 x 3,000 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) =144,000. It will be noted that the six branches of the candlestick were set off as separate and distinct from the central branch, or shaft (vs. 17, 18). (4) 6 x 6 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) = 144,000. Three bowls were in each of these (3 x 6 = 18, key number). (5) 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5) = 144,000.
(55) Each companion branch (2 branches) had six bowls. (6) 6 x 6 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5x5) = 144,000. There were two other sets of such branches; hence these give us symbolisms (7) and (8). Each of these bowls was accompanied by a knop and a flower. Hence for each companion branch (2 branches) there were six knops, which gives us three points more, corresponding to points (6), (7) and (8), hence (9), (10) and (11). Also in each companion branch (2 branches)
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there were six flowers, which, as shown with the knops, give us points (12), (13) and (14). The central shaft was called the candlestick (v. 20). The shaft's four bowls (v. 20) had each a knop and a flower. Hence there were in it four bowls and four knops (4+4 =8), which, according to point (1) gives us point (15). This same figure 8 appears in the four bowls and four flowers; hence this gives us point (16). There were in this shaft four knops and four flowers, which, according to point (1), gives us point (17). In v. 21 we see that there was a knop under each two branches, hence three of such knops. This makes a total of 25 knops [3 in each of the six branches (3x6 =18); 4 with the four bowls of the shaft (1 x 4=4) and 3 under each two of the six branches (3); 18+4+3 = 25]. (18) 25 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5) =144,000. It will be noted that there are 7 main parts (6 branches and 1 shaft), 7 lamps, 22 bowls, 22 flowers and 25 knops (7+7+22+22+25 = 83), a total of 83 separate items in the lampstand, which plus the lampstand as a whole are 7 x 12, a multiple of 7, the Divine number and of 12, the number of the Little Flock. Jehovah, God's name, appears thrice in the lampstand, i.e., (1) 4 (bowls) +4 (knops) +4 (flowers) (of the main shaft) +7 (lamps) +7 (sticks) = 26, which equals 10 (Yod) + 5 (He) + 6 (Vav) + 5 (He). Also in the 3,000 shekels of monetary value that constituted its talent of gold entering into it (v. 24): (2) and (3) 3,000 = 2 x 1,500. 1,500 = 10(Yod) x5 (He) x6 (Vav) x5 (He). 3,000 are twice these, hence two points are here given. The Millennium is also set forth in the lampstand, as the time the Christ will bless the world. This appears three times in the 3,000 coin value shekels in a talent. (1), (2) and (3) 3,000 = 3 x 1,000 [3 points here]. There were two main parts to the lampstand its shaft and its branches. (4) 2 x 10 x 10 x 5 =1,000. There were two kinds of fruits and flowers in the lampstand's knops and flowers. (5) 2 x 10 x 10 x 5 = 1,000. There were two kinds of branches in the lampstand,
those on the right and those on the left of the shaft. (6) 2 x 10 x 10 x 5 = 1,000. There were two kinds of bowls, those in the shaft and those in the branches; two kinds of knops, those in the shaft and those in the branches; two kinds of flowers, one in the shaft, the other in the branches; and two kinds of lamps, the one in the shaft and the other in the branches. According to points (4)-(6) these yield points (7), (8), (9) and (10). Thus it had 31 symbolisms (18+3+10).
(56) In vs. 25-28 the construction of the golden altar is described. Having already explained its antitypical significance, we will at once begin to set forth the hidden symbolisms of its dimensions. Its width and length were each 1 cubit, or 25 inches (v. 25), and each appears four times, twice at the top and twice at the bottom. This yields points (1) — (8). 25x18x10x10x10x10x10x10÷(5x5) = 144,000. This appears twice at the top and twice at the bottom; hence the next point is (13). Their inches were 50. 50x18x10x10x10x10x10÷(5x5x5x5)=144,0000. This also appears four times. Hence the next point is (17). The diagonal of its top (1x1=1; 1x1=1; 1+1=2 whose square root is 1.4142) was 1.4142 cubits. If this diagonal is taken as the side of a square, the area of such a square is 2 square cubits. (17) 2x18x10x10x10x10x10÷(5x5)=144,000. The same would be true of the bottom (18). The square of the diagonal of each of its four sides (1x1=1; 2x2=4; 4+1) is 5 square cubits, whose square root is 2.2361 cubits. (19) 2.2361 x 2.2361 = 5; and 5x18x10x10x10x10x10x10 ÷ (5x5x5x5) = 144,000. There are eight of such diagonals; hence we number the next point (27). The sum of its main dimensions (1+1+2) is 4 cubits. (27) 4x18x10x10x10x10x ÷ 5 = 144,000. The same sum appears on each of the four sides of the altar; hence we number our next point (31). The length of all its lines [4 (top) + 5 (front) + 3 (one side) + 3 (other side) + 1 (back; each line being counted once)] =
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16 cubits. (31) 16 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 5 = 144,000. The perimeter of the altar's top (1+1+1+1) was 4 cubits. (32) 4 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10÷ 5 = 144,000. This appears also in the bottom; hence we call our next point (34). (34) The perimeter of each of the four sides (1+2+1+2) was 6 cubits. 6 x 6 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) =144,000. This appears four times; hence we call the next point (38).
(57) If we measure all the lengths of all the circuits of all the altar's surfaces [4 (top) +4 (bottom) +6+6+6+6 (the four sides)] we have 32 cubits, or 800 inches. (38) 32 x 18 x 10 x 5 x 5 =144,000. (39) 800 x 18 x 10 = 144,000. The area of the altar's top (25 x 25) was 625 square inches. (40) 625 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5) =144,000. This holds good also of the bottom (41); hence we call our next point (42). The area of each of the four sides of the altar (1x2) was 2 square cubits. (42) 2 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷(5 x 5) =144,000. This appears four times, once for each of the four sides of the altar; hence we number the next point (46). The volume of the altar (lxlx2) was 2 cubic cubits. (46) 2 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) = 144,000. We have seen above that the top's diagonal was 1.4142 cubits, and its square 2 square cubits. The height was 2 cubits, whose square (2 x 2) was 4 square cubits. These being the two short sides of a right-angled triangle, if we take the solid diagonal as the hypotenuse, its square is the sum of the squares of the other two sides, or 6 square cubits. Squaring this (6 x 6 = 36), we find the following: (47) 36 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) = 144,000. There are four of such solid diagonals. Thus the three additional ones give us points (48), (49) and (50). Thus the altar contains at least 50 points proving that the Christ consists of 144,000 members. Now some points showing that the Christ will bless the world in the Millennium: (1) Ten times the sum of the height, length and width in inches [10 x (50+25+25)] gives us 1,000 inches. This appears four times in the four height edges and the top and four times in the height edges and the bottom; hence
the next point is numbered (9). (9) Ten times the top perimeter in inches was 1,000 inches (25+25+25+25 =100; and 10 x 100 =1,000 inches). (10) This also occurs at the bottom perimeter. (11) Ten times the sum of two height edges in inches was 1,000 (50+50 = 100; and 10 x 100 =1,000). (12) This appears in the other two height edges. (13) Ten times the sum of one edge of the height and of half the perimeter of the top was 1,000 inches (50+25+25 =100; and 10 x 100 = 1,000). This appears eight times, four times at the edge of each height plus half of the top perimeter, and four times at the edge of each height plus half of the bottom perimeter; these include point (20).
(58) Now a few cases of God's name, Jehovah, appearing in the altar. This occurs by the main dimensions taken in inches: height 50, length 25, width 25. (1) Height divided by 5 (50 ÷ 5) =10 (Yod); length divided by 5(25 ÷ 5) = 5 (He); perimeter (50+25+50+25 = 150 inches) of a side divided by (5 x 5), [150 ÷ 25] =6 (Vav); width divided by 5(25 ÷ 5) =5 (He). Also number of surfaces = 6 (Vav); Vav (6) also appears in each of the 4 side perimeters; Yod (10) = side and top perimeter, etc., etc. These four processes occur four times each: first process: the height taken on each of the four sides; second process: the length taken twice at the top and twice at the bottom; third process: the perimeter of each of the four sides; and fourth process: the width taken twice at the top and twice at the bottom. Hence in four ways and 16 possible combinations the name of Jehovah (Yod He Vav He) occurs in the golden altar: points (1), (2), (3) and (4) plus 16 combinations. Thus the golden altar gives us (50+20+20) 90 symbolizations in its numerals. The holy anointing oil (v. 27 compared with 30:33-25) consisted of five ingredients: oil and four spices: myrrh (500 shekels), sweet cinnamon (250 shekels), calamus (250 shekels) and cassia (500 shekels; Ex. 30:23, 24). (1) Thus these five ingredients give us one of the tabernacle's key numbers—5. (2)
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The weights of the spices (500+250+250+500) total 1,500 shekels. In these weights God has His name, Jehovah: 1,500 = 10(Yod) x5(He) x6(Vav) x5(He). (3) In the myrrh God hid two of the key numbers: 10 x 10 x 5 =500. (4) This was done also with the cassia, of the same weight. (5) In the sweet cinnamon, God hid the same key numbers: 5 x 5 x 10 =250, (6) which also appears in the calamus. In the 500 shekels of myrrh He hid the fact that the Christ would consist of 144,000 members. (7) 500 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) = 144,000. (8) He did the same in, the 500 shekels of cassia. (9) and (10) Also in the 250 shekels of sweet cinnamon and calamus respectively: 250 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = (5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5)= 144,000. (11) In the 500, 250 and 250 shekels respectively of myrrh, sweet cinnamon and calamus (500+250+250 = 1,000) He hid the thought that the Christ would bless the world during the Millennium. (12) He did the same in the weights of the cassia (500), the sweet cinnamon (250) and the calamus (250), their sum being 1,000 shekels. The four ingredients of the pure incense (v. 29) were stacte, onycha, galbanum and frankincense (30:34-38) and represented, unburnt, the actually perfect choice powers of Christ, and the reckonedly perfect choice powers of the Church, their mental [stacte], artistic [onycha], moral [galbanum] and religious [frankincense], and, burnt into perfume, represented graces, especially their four chief graces—wisdom, power, justice and love, imitations; i.e., counterfeits, of which were forbidden (vs. 37, 38). Their equal weight represented the harmony of the antitypes (vs. 34, 35); and they were to be ever kept before the Lord by His priesthood (v. 36). We herewith have finished our explanation of Ex. 37, and will begin that of Ex. 38.
(59) In vs. 1-7 our Lord, cooperated in by the star-members, is typed as making the antitypical copper altar, the altar of burnt offering. Its and its grate's staves', rings', horns' and vessels' typical significances have already been set forth; hence we will not repeat
these, but will take up the secrets hidden by the Lord in its measurements. This altar was 5 cubits long, 5 cubits wide and 3 cubits high. (1) 5 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) =144,000. This appears eight times, four (2 lengths and 2 widths) in the top and four in the bottom; hence we number our next point (9). The perimeter of each of its four sides (5+3+5+3) was 16 cubits. (9) 16 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 5 =144,000. There were four of such, corresponding to its four sides; hence we number our next point (13) The perimeter of the top (5+5+5+5) was 20 cubits. (13) 20 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) = 144,000. (14) This is also true of its bottom perimeter. (15) The two diagonals of the top and the two of the bottom were each 7.0711 cubits long (the square of each side was 5 x 5, or 25; the 2 sides being 25+25, or 50 square cubits, the square root of which is 7.0711 cubits). 7.0711 x 7.0711 (50) x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) = 144,000. This occurs four times, twice for the top and twice for the bottom, yielding additional points (16)-(18). The area of its top (5 x 5) was 25 square cubits. (19) 25 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5) = 144,000. (20) The area of the bottom is the same. The area of each of the four sides (5 x 3) was 15 square cubits. (21) 15 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) = 144,000 x 3, which will make 144,000 count three times, and for the other three sides the same (4 x 3 =12); this makes the next point (33). Its grate (v. 4) was 5 cubits long and 5 cubits wide. (33) 5 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) = 144,000. This appears four times, once for each side; hence we number our next point (37). Its perimeter (5+5+5+5) was 20 cubits. (37) 20 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) =144,000. (38) The square of each of its two diagonals, as seen in point (15), was 50 square cubits. 50 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) =144,000. This appears twice, once in each of its two diagonals; hence we number our next point (40). (40) Its area (5 x 5) was 25 square cubits. 25 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5) =144,000. Thus at least 40 times
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this altar symbolizes that the Christ consists of 144,000 members. We should here point out that Bro. Dockey [Reprints, 6436, col. 2 point (3)] claims that the top diagonal is 7 cubits. This is a mistake easily seen, for that diagonal is the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle whose two shorter sides are each 5 cubits long. The square of the hypotenuse being the sum of the squares of these two shorter sides, it would be [5 x 5 (25) +5 x 5 (25)] 50 square cubits; while the square of 7 (7 x 7) is only 49. This fact vitiates his way of proving our Lord's ministry as being 3½ years long, which it actually was, his way of proving our Lord's life as being 33½ years long, which it actually was, and also what he says on 2 B.C. to 1915 A. D. What he gives on the 30 years as being our Lord's age at the beginning of His ministry is correct, as he is also right on the ways that he offers as proving the Millennium to be 1,000 years for the Christ to bless the world.
(60) We will now offer some altar symbolizations in proof that the Christ will bless the world for a thousand years—during the Millennium. The top perimeter (20 x 25) was 500 inches long, and the bottom perimeter (20 x 25) was likewise 500 inches long. (1) The sum of these is 1,000 inches. The sum of the top area (5 x 5 = 25) and of each side area (5 x 3 = 15) = 40 square cubits. (2) 40 x 25 = 1,000 square cubits. This occurred four times, once for the area of each of the four sides and of the top; hence we number our next point (6). The area of the bottom, like the top, was 25 square cubits, which plus that of a side (15 square cubits) made 40 square cubits, 40 x 5 x 5 = 1,000 square cubits. This occurs four times, once for each side. This would bring this symbolization up to a total of nine points. Now will follow a few cases in which God has hidden His name, Jehovah, in this altar: (1) Length plus width (5 + 5) equals 10 (Yod). Length = 5 (He). Length plus width (5+5=10) multiplied by height and divided by length (10 x 3 ÷ 5) =6 (Vav). Width = 5 (He). (2) Width plus length (5+5) =10 (Yod).
Width=5 (He). Width plus length (5+5 =10) multiplied by height and divided by width (10 x 3 ÷ 5) =6 (Vav). Length =5 (He). (3) Twice the length =10 (Yod). Once the width =5 (He). Twice the height =6 (Vav); and once the length =5 (He). (4) Twice the width =10 (Yod). Once the length =5 (He). Twice the height =6 (Vav). Once the width =5 (He). (5) In inches add the top perimeter (20 x 25 = 500) to the bottom perimeter (20 x 25 = 500) and the four side perimeters (4 x 16 x 25 = 1,600) and we have (500+500+1,600) 2,600. 2,600 ÷ (10 x 10) =26. 26 =10(Yod) +5 (He) +6(Vav) +5(He). Thus at least in five different ways (more combinations possible) God has placed His name, Jehovah, in this altar; and in all He has given us at least 54 (40+9+5) symbolizations in this altar. God having given us no dimensions (v. 8), but three parts (base, shaft, bowl), for the laver, we are very limited in its symbolizations. (1) 3 + 3 = 6, which squared is 36. 36 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) = 144,000. Also 3 x 3 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) =144,000. The Millennium: 3 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 3,000 = the Millennium three times. God's name: 3 x 5 x 10 x 10 = 1,500. 1,500 =10 (Yod) x5 (He) x6 (Vav) x5 (He). The laver's antitype has already been given as the Bible, its bowl representing the New Testament and its base the Old Testament. The women assembling at the door of the tabernacle represent all who come in contact with God's plan. Their looking-glasses gave a representation, a vision, of themselves. The laver being made of these looking-glasses represents the fact that the Bible consists of that which gives a representation, a true description of everyone in contact with God's plan.
(61) We now come to a study of the symbolizations in the court (vs. 9-19). Above we called attention to a strip 70 cubits long and 10 cubits wide as traversed by the Church during the 1,260 years of its being trodden down by the symbolic Gentiles. The sum of the length and width of this strip (70+10) is 80. (1) 80 x 18 x 10 x 10 = 144,000. The perimeter of this strip (70+
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
10+70+10) is 160 cubits. (2) 160 x 18 x 10 x 5 = 144,000. The whole Church was once in the Court, as in the tentatively justified condition. The perimeter of the court exclusive of the part touched by the back part of the tabernacle (100+100+50+40) was 290 cubits (vs. 11-13). Add to this the perimeter of the tabernacle exclusive of the part that touched the west court's curtain (30+10+30 =70). Add these (70 + 290 =360), and the sum is 360 cubits. (3) 360 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) = 144,000. The gate was 20 cubits long by 5 cubits high (v. 18). (4) 20 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) =144,000. The height was 5 cubits. (5) 5 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) = 144,000. The perimeter of the gate (20+5+20+5) was 50 cubits. (6) 50 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) = 144,000. The sum of the top (20) and the bottom (20) was 40 cubits. (7) 40 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ 5 =144,000. The pillars of the court were 5 cubits apart, e.g., there were 20 (v. 11) on the north side, which was 100 cubits long (100 ÷ 20 = 5), and 10 (v. 12) on the west side (50 ÷ 10 = 5). These figures hold for the two sides opposite to these two; hence there were 5 cubits of the curtain between each pillar from center to center. Hence the perimeter of each one of these curtain sections (5+5+5+5) was 20 cubits. (8) 20 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) =144,000. There were 60 of such perimeters; hence the next point will be numbered (68). The area of each of these sections (5x5) was 25 square cubits. (68) 25 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5) = 144,000. The 60 such areas number our next point (128).
(62) The diagonal of one of these sections, the dimensions being the same as the top of the copper altar, we found to be 7.0711 cubits, whose square is 50. (128) 50 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) = 144,000. Each of these sections has two of such diagonals; hence there are 120 of such diagonals in the court curtain; hence we number our next point (248). The sum of both diagonals of each of the 60 sections (7.0711+7.0711) is 14.1422 cubits, which squared is 200 square
cubits. (248) 200 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) = 144,000. This occurs 60 times in the curtain's 60 sections; hence the next point is number (308). (308) There were 60 posts and 60 sockets. The square of each is 3,600. 3,600 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5) = 144,000. Hence the next point is (310). The gate had four posts (v. 19). (310) 4 x 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ 5 = 144,000. There were 14 other sets of 4 posts about the tabernacle's court, which makes the next point number (324). These 15 sets of four posts each had 15 sets of four sockets each, which gives us points (324-339). (339) The square of the diagonal of the gate (20 x 20 + 5 x 5 = 425) is 425 square cubits. The sum of the squares of both its diagonals (2 x 425) is 850 square cubits. Add to this the square of the diagonal of any one of the curtain's 60 sections, which is 50, and we have 900. 900 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ÷ (5 x 5 x 5 x 5) =144,000. This appears 60 times (once for each of these 60 sections), which makes the last point (399). Thus that the Christ would consist of 144,000 members is indicated at least 399 times in the curtains, posts and sockets of the court. Let us see how the Lord hid in the gate and its equivalent sections of the court's curtains the thought that the Christ would bless the world 1,000 years in the Millennium. The area of the gate (20 x 5) was 100 square cubits. (1) 100 x 10 =1,000. In the other 14 equivalent sections of the court's curtains the same figures prevail; hence we number our next point (16). (16) The sum of the top and bottom lengths in inches (20 x 25 + 20 x 25) was 1,000. This also holds in the other equivalent sections, of which there were 14, making a total of 30 points indicating that the Christ will bless the world during the Millennium's 1,000 years. God's name is also embedded in the court curtains: The total area of the curtains was (300x5) 1,500 square cubits. (1) 1,500 = 10(Yod) x5(He) x6(Vav) x5(He). The four sections of the gate had each 2 diagonals (4 x 2 =8); and the gate as a whole had two diagonals, these totaling 10 diagonals. If we add to these the four sides of each
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
of its four sections (4x4 = 16) we have (10+16) 26, the total of the numeric value of God's name—10 (Yod) +5(He) +6(Vav) +5(He). Thus, in all, the curtains, posts and sockets of the court give us at least (399+30+2) 431 symbolizations. In class study of the above a blackboard should be used. While transcribing the above Bro. Jolly discovered about 35 points which we included in the above points. Surely, as we come to see the many times in the tabernacle's numbers we find it to symbolize that the Christ consists of 144,000 members, that the Christ will Millennially bless the world and that God has embedded His name in the tabernacle and its appurtenances, we in reverence, worship and adoration must cry out, "Great and marvelous are Thy works, Lord God Almighty" (Rev. 14:4)!
(1) What was promised? Where? What is herewith done? What is not the thought as to this article? Why not? What is its thought? What may be said of our Pastor's writings on the tabernacle? From what can we infer their great importance? What do we find in Ex. 25-31? What is given thereafter? With few exceptions what will be skipped in this article? What will then be done? For what should we pray in this connection? Why? Why this? How should we enter into this study?
(2) What is indicated under the heading of this article? What, therefore, will first of all be here studied? What is here typed? What thought as to Jesus does a study of vs. 2-9 suggest? How do we come to this thought? What is the time relation between God's giving the charge of v. 1 and Jesus' beginning to execute it? Before what acts of Jesus as an antitypical Israelite did He begin to execute the charge? What did Jesus continue after returning from the wilderness? How long did He continue His earthly phase of it? Thereafter? In what two parts? What part of it did He cease doing by Oct., 1914? What has He been doing with New Creatures since? Toward what other class does He still continue the first phase of this work? With what changed purpose? What phase of it does He operate toward Youthful Worthies? What further remark may be made? How long will such executive
work continue with the present three elective classes? With the faith-justified? In harmony with what Scripture?
(3) How should the word rendered offering in v. 2 be translated? Why was it called so? As distinct from what? What did the wave-offering type? What two things did the offering of the heave-offering type? In harmony with what are these two things? How should the antitypical heave-offering not be effected? How effected? How typed? What should the Lord's people do as to such offerings? Generally and particularly speaking, what did these heave-offerings type? What is typed by the gold? Silver? Fine linen? Oil? Spices for the anointing oil? The stones? Who gives these antitypically? Who does not? What then does the heave-offering represent in relation to these? How is this done as to the antitypical gold? Silver? Brass (copper)? Blue? Purple? Scarlet? Fine linen? Goats' hair? Rams' skins dyed red? Badger (seal) skins? Shittim wood? Oil for the light? Spices for the anointing oil? Sweet incense? Onyx stones? Stones to be set in the ephod and the breastplate? What is developed by Jesus' and the Church's use of the antitypes of these things? For what purpose? How typed? Among whom? How typed? What are God's people to develop? According to what? How typed?
(4) What thing did our Pastor seemingly not explain? What did he show to be typed by the ephod? By its front part? By its hind part? What do we conclude from this as to these two onyx stones? What did the two onyx stones have graven upon them? How, typed? For what does the expression, "children of Israel," here stand? How proved? What is one of the Biblical meanings of the word name? What is its sense here? Why? With what parallel symbols does this correspond? In other words, what is here typed? What do we infer from these facts? In what are they engraved by Jesus? How typed?
(5) What are we not to infer from the fact that there were two stones, each with six names engraved thereon? Rather, what two things are we to infer from these facts? Why? In what sense is the word toledoth, here translated births, repeatedly used? Despite what translation? How does each of the ten citations prove our definition? Accordingly, of how many histories does the book of Genesis consist? Accordingly, what is the thought in v. 10? How
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
typed? Whose work is this? Through what? How are these things typed? What does it indicate? Why? How typed? How were these characters made? How typed? How are the truths of the covenants to be supported? How typed? In whose interests? How typed? For what are they to serve? How typed? Who are to minister as to them? How typed? On what does this ministry work? How typed? In whose matters? How typed? For what were they perpetually to serve? How typed? Despite the fact that Bro. Russell did not expound them, and the Editor's pertinent promise, what will be done about the 12 names, the 12 precious stones in the breastplate and in the walls of New Jerusalem?
(6) Accordingly, to what will we proceed? Why? What did God reveal to Jesus? How typed? On this point what did He first tell Jesus as His Executive? How typed? Why? How typed? What was He in character? How proved and typed? Of what was He full? How typed? Of what origin? How typed? How to be regarded? How typed? How does He further describe our Lord? By whom filled with it? Qualified for what? How are these things typed? What four things does this include? How typed in each case? In what works do His tact and skill work? What was their degree? In what other way of working are they of this same degree? While in the flesh on whom did He exemplify these same works, and that in a high degree? How are these things typed? In what seven things is He skillful to work? How typed in each case? In brief how can we sum up His skill? How typed?
(7) Whom did God appoint to work especially with Jesus? How typed? As what kind of persons? Toward what? How typed? What is their special work? In connection with what? How typed? As what are they set? How typed? Which are the chief parts of them? In what respects have they and the others been similar? In what respects have the former been unique? Even in their similarity wherein has there been a marked difference? Besides these star-members what three classes of helpers has God appointed for Jesus? For what purpose? What is each class called? How are these things typed and proved? Who else has worked on making the antitypical Tabernacle? In what two ways? What do they not do? Why not? What are the three classes of the pertinent
workers? How are they distinguished from one another? What should here be noted? What wrong impression would the A. V.'s misrendering of the word ve give? Actually, what amount and kind of work do they do thereon? What does the word ve ordinarily mean? How should it here be rendered? What is the proper rendering of the pertinent clause? What does this corrected rendering show? And what not?
(8) What do vs. 7-11 give? What do the following details represent: The tabernacle of the congregation? The ark? The mercy seat [propitiatory]? The vessels [here evidently mistranslated as furniture] of the tabernacle? The table? Its vessels? The pure candlestick? Its vessels? The altar of incense? The altar of burnt-offerings? Its vessels? The laver? Its bowl? Its base? Cloths of service? The holy garments of Aaron? The sacrificial garments? The glory and beauty garments? The garments of his sons? For what were the pertinent antitypical things adapted? How typed? What did the anointing oil type? The sweet incense? What were the workers to do? How typed?
(9) What are we to remember? To what should this limit our view of vs. 12-18? What is the real antitypical Sabbath? What is the Gospel-Age Sabbath? Why so? What, accordingly, does this imply? With what did God pertinently charge Jesus? How typed? What two things are implied in keeping the Gospel-Age sabbath? What three blessings are in the first of these two? What two things are implied in the second? How typed? How are the singular and plural of the word sabbath used? How does God make the charge? How? How typed? What reason does He give for the Jews' sabbath keeping? How long? How typed and proved? Of what is the Gospel-Age sabbath a proof? How typed? Why should God's Gospel-Age people keep their sabbath? How typed? How is this sabbath polluted? Why is this so in all three ways? What will happen to such? How typed? How are these three evils related to the word work in the last sentence of v. 14? What do they do to their doers? How typed?
(10) Without what consequence may those under the Adamic curse do these three evils? How typed? What does the justified condition of God's people give them? How typed? How are they to keep it? How typed?
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
How does God emphasize the pertinent guilt and penalty of the three pertinent evils? How typed? By doing what should God's people keep the Gospel-Age sabbath? How typed? Throughout what? How typed? As what? How typed? Of what is it an evidence? How typed? From God's standpoint, of what two antitypical things is it a proof? How is each typed? Where are the details of these two antitypes given? What did God bring to an end? How typed? Where and when? How typed? What did He give Jesus as He ended the charges? Of what two things did it consist? How typed? Where were they to be written? How typed and proved? How planned? How typed?
(11) What two things did our Lord cause? How typed? What did He cause His people to hear? How typed? What were the two special things brought to their attention? How typed? In what two ways does this rest exist? In relation to the former one, when was the antitypical period of labor? When is the antitypical period of labor in relation to the latter one? What happens to the wilful sinner in either justification? How typed? What, among other things, are the Lord's people not to do? How typed? Where not? How typed? If done, in what will it result? How typed? Why should it be avoided? What are the features of the curse? Where were most of the things of vs. 1, 2 treated in more detail?
(12) Where were the antitypical things referred to in vs. 4-9 and in v. 10 expounded? What, accordingly, will not be done here? Why not? With what verse will our further exposition begin? What are we here to remember? For what will this prepare us? What was Moses' general exhortation? As what? Where are these things mentioned? To what does v. 10 exhort? Why? What was the first thing on which Jesus and His assistants were to work? As the antitype of what? How are the curtains here described as to their location? Why did they not hang full 9 cubits on the sides and 10 on the rear of the tabernacle? On what, secondly, were they to work? How typed? Thirdly? How typed? Fourthly? How typed? Fifthly? How typed? Sixthly? How typed? Seventhly? How typed? Eighthly? How typed? What deletion is requested? Ninthly in two respects? How typed? What two things on each board are not here mentioned? What do they type?
(13) On what in the antitypical Most Holy were Christ and the Church to work? What does the ark's chest type? Its part above the chest? On what else connected with the antitypical Ark were they to work? How typed? What did the lid of the ark type? What were the Christ to do thereon? How typed? On what else in the antitypical Most Holy were they to work? How typed? What was charged in general and in particular? Thereafter what charge did God give by Jesus as Executive? How typed? Where are the particulars set forth? On what were Jesus and His helpers, first, to work? In what capacity? How typed? Secondly? How typed? Thirdly? How typed? Fourthly? How typed? On what else were they to work? How typed? Why? How typed? What is the difference between the antitypical Table and Lampstand as antitypes? On what else connected with the antitypical Lampstand were they to work? How typed? On how many parts of the antitypical Lampstand were they to work? How typed? As well as on what other connected thing? How typed? What is thereby made possible? How typed?
(14) What third work were Christ and His helpers given to do in the Spirit-begotten condition? How typed? What might be here in order? Why? How many relations and capacities of the Church are brought out in the Holy? How many connected with the table? The lampstand? The incense altar? The second veil? What are the distinctions typed between the table, lampstand and altar? How summed up? What may be said of us as servants of the Truth as to these three activities? What should we further note here? What is the thought brought out as to the relation of the use of the antitypical Table and the priest? How typed? Of that of the antitypical Lampstand and priest? How typed? Of that of the antitypical Altar and the priest? How typed? What is typed by the priest's sprinkling the incense on the coals in the censer? By the priest's lifting up and going under the second veil?
(15) What is typed by the builders' working on the staves of the altar? To what is no reference here made, though reference is made to it in Num. 4:11, 12? What was typed by working on these? On what else were Christ and His helpers to work? How typed? In particular,
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
what were these? How proved? How may this be put in other words? On what else were they to work? How typed? What, first, unburnt and burnt did the incense represent? Secondly? On what in the antitypical Holy did Christ and His helpers work? How typed?
(16) On what were they, first, to work in the antitypical Court? How viewed? How typed? Secondly? How viewed? How typed? Why is this significance suggested? With what distinction of viewpoints? Thirdly? How typed? Fourthly? How typed? With what distinction? How typed in each case? Fifthly? What was it to the antitypical Campers? Priests and Levites? How typed? Sixthly? How typed? Seventhly? How typed? Eighthly? How typed? On what else did they work? In what two uses? How typed? Why is this antitype suggested? What did the cords type? On what still further were they to work? How typed? On what, finally, were they to work?
(17) After hearing these things, what did God's Gospel-Age people do? How typed? What kinds of disposition did they exercise toward this work? How typed? What did they resultantly do? How typed? For what did they yield up their human all? How typed? In what? How typed? For what? How typed? How many classes are brought to our attention in vs. 22-29? What class in vs. 22-24? In vs. 25, 26? In vs. 27, 28? Whom do the rulers type? The men? The women? What does a comparison of vs. 22-24 and 25, 26 and 27, 28 show? What obscures this thought? Why is this said? What words have been needlessly interpolated? And in this what rule was disregarded? What was left untranslated? What is one of its meanings? How should the clause in question be translated? What is the resultant thought?
(18) What would this antitypically suggest? For what do these explanations prepare the way? What impelled the elders, deacons and more prominent unofficial brethren? To what were they moved? What kind of things did they first offer? How typed? Secondly? How typed? Thirdly? How typed? Fourthly? How typed? Why? For what were these things adaptable and usable? How typed? For what kind of a use did these offer? How typed? What did those able thereto offer first? How typed? Secondly? How typed? Thirdly? How typed? Fourthly? How typed? Fifthly? How typed? Sixthly? How typed?
Seventhly? How typed? What other two things did they offer? How typed in each case? What third thing did they offer? How typed? For what use? How typed? What did they do with them? How typed?
(19) To what does the antitype now go over? How did these work? How typed? At what? How? How typed? On what? What did they do? How typed? Adaptable to and usable for what first? How typed? Secondly? How typed? Thirdly? How typed? Fourthly? How typed in both cases? How did they do another work? How typed? What were the things of this other work? How typed? Who were typed by the rulers? In what matters did they first sacrifice? How typed? Secondly? How typed? Thirdly? How typed? How and where typed in detail? How and where explained in detail? Fourthly? How typed? Fifthly? How typed? Sixthly? How typed? What is a summary of all the foregoing? How typed? With what heart attitude? How typed? To what end? How typed? What things? How typed?
(20) What was done as to vs. 30-35 and 36:1, 2 in Ex. 31:1-6? What will this cause to be done with vs. 30-35 and 36:1, 2? With what verse will the exposition be continued? What did all the various classes of Truth servants receive? How typed in each general class? From whom did they receive them? For what? How are these things typed? How long were these consecrations made? How typed? When and by whom was it successively recognized that no more high calling consecrations could be made? What was done as to this recognition? How was the report made? How are these things typed? What was thus completed?
(21) What has the twofold character of the Lord's work been since then? When begun and continued? When to be completed? In what sense completed? How is this proved? In what sense not completed? What was Jesus' reaction to the report? How typed? What, accordingly, was made? By whom? Where? How typed? What were the contents of the proclamation? How typed? What response do the brethren make as they come to understand the situation? How typed? What do some new creatures persist in teaching? What do they effect thereby for the Gospel-Age Tabernacle? As antitypical Lot what do they do thereby? With whom? Who in each case are these
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
symbolic daughters? What do these produce? Of what classes? How will this end? How set forth and proved typically? What was accomplished by Oct., 1914? By Passover, 1916? For what? How typed? Of what was there more than enough? How typed? What proves this? What has been, is being and will be done as to these?
(22) What has God given as to His plan? What is the first class of these? The second? The third? Whence are all of these derived? Whence else are some derived? What are the first of these? The second? The third? The fourth? The fifth? What may be said of quite a few of them? Of the bulk of them? From whom, first, were a couple gotten? Secondly? From whom were the great majority gotten? What is a brief description of him? Why are these acknowledgments made? What may be said is not the nature of these three brothers' work? Why not? What are they? With what were they privileged?
(23) What four structures had key numbers? What did these key numbers enable certain brothers to do? What fifth structure had key numbers? What are its key numbers? By what are the key numbers 5 to 10 indicated? 18? In what two ways does the number 10 appear as a key number in the tabernacle? How does this appear in its height, width and length? In the holy of holies? In the holy in general? In particular? In its linen curtains? Goats' hair curtains? In its two veils? In the pillars? In the north and south side boards? In the west boards? In the sockets? In the tenons? In the court pillars? What is to be inferred from this frequent occurrence of the number 10 and its multiples? In general, by what is the number 5 proved to be a tabernacle key number? How does this appear in its relation to the tabernacle's 10's and multiples of 10? But independently of these how first is it proved to be a tabernacle key number in the linen and goats' hair curtains? In the court curtain's height and length? In the gate's height and length and area? In the pillars of the holy? Their sockets? In the bars as a whole and on each tabernacle side? In the curtains? In the altar of burnt offering's length, width and sides? Its grate? What is to be concluded from these facts as to the number 5 in the tabernacle? In what else are 10 and 5 key numbers?
(24) How in contrast with the numbers 10 and 5 is the number 18 as a tabernacle key number gotten? From what fact is it gathered? What is the first of these? The second? The third? The fourth? The fifth? The sixth? The seventh? The eighth? The ninth? The tenth? The eleventh? The twelfth? The thirteenth? The fourteenth? The fifteenth? The sixteenth? The seventeenth? The eighteenth in ten different parts? Whose place used in the Pyramid does 18 take in the tabernacle? What do the above-mentioned 18 things represent? What two peculiarities are brought out as to the number? What result is obtained from the product of the second peculiarity by multiplying it by 10 raised to its fourth power and divided by 5 raised to its second power, or 5 squared? What result is obtained by multiplying the key number 18 by the key number 10 raised to its sixth power and divided by the key number 5 raised to its third power? Of what is the result the number? Why, in the first place, are these three called key numbers? In the second place? How do we know, in the first place, that these three are the tabernacle's key numbers? In the second place? What illustrates the second point in the answer? What conclusion is to be drawn from the thing illustrated? What has God done with these teachings elsewhere in the Bible? Where does He corroborate them? How? By what? What will these corroborations do to our faith?
(25) What will, first of all, be done here? How are they embedded in the tabernacle? What will thereafter be done? Especially along what three lines? What fact should first be pointed out? How did ancient nations differ as to the length of the cubit? What cubit did our Pastor use in giving tabernacle measurements? Uniformly kept, what would it maintain? Wherein does it break down? In what other structures is the sacred cubit used? What happens to the cubit of 18 inches, if applied to the symbolisms of all five of these structures? What happens to the cubit of 25 inches, if applied to the symbolisms of all five of them? What two things in this connection are reasonable? Why is the cubit of 25 inches called the sacred cubit?
(26) What in cubits are the dimensions of the court curtain, ignoring the gate, on the east side north of the gate? Of the north and south sides of the court? Of the
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
court's west side? And of the east side south of the gate? What are their total dimensions in cubits? In inches? What do these 7,000 inches symbolize? What is in inches the distance from the north end of the gate to the exact center of the west curtain of the court? How is this distance gotten? What does it symbolize? What is the cubit distance from this center to the southwest corner of the court curtain? In inches? This added to the 3,500 inches gives us what sum as the inches from the gate's north end to the southwest corner of the curtain? What does this measurement symbolize? To what event does this in time bring us? What is the distance in inches from the north end of the gate to ¾ of the south side's curtain from the curtain's southwest corner? What period does this measurement cover? How is this gotten? What does the point thereby reached symbolize? What does Bro. Dockey assume in Reprints, 6436, par. 5? To what is this contrary? What are his claims as to the involved 1875 inches? What two things refute these claims? In what two ways are the involved period and events proven? How may we summarize the finding as to the court curtains?
(27) What will next be studied? What is one of these? How long was it? How do the cited Scriptures show this? When did these seven times begin and end? Under what terms do the cited Scriptures allude to a part of the seven times? How do they prove that part to be a half of the seven times? What does the Bible not tell us of the situation of the tabernacle in the court? What do a number of features imply as to its situation in the court? What deduction does this imply? Why so? What are the length and width of this space? How is it proved? Who shared this space with the Little Flock? What was the former's exclusive share in the court? What, however, did they unjustly do with the space shared by them jointly with the 144,000 in their journey from the gate to the tabernacle door? What width of space was left to the symbolic Gentiles exclusively? Length? The total? What is done with this total and 18? What is the product? What does it represent? What does the result show? Between whom? Who made this suggestion? What as to this period does Lev. 26:17-28 bring out? What does it also leave out? How is this more direct way worked out? What is its sum? What does it symbolize? What is then done? With what result?
(28) In the cited passages what are the different terms for the period of the Church's stay in the wilderness? What is the Holy City? According to Rev. 11:1-3, what is the typical length of their journey from the gate to the door of the tabernacle? How do we reach this figure? What product do we get by multiplying this length by the key number 18? What do these cubits symbolize? What happened to the Holy City during the involved symbolic journey? What else may be said on this subject? How is the area of the involved typical trip reached? What is its area? What key numbers are used to get the thing symbolized? How are they used differently? So using them, what result do we reach? What is a summary of the second method here applied? In what were the 144,000 oppressed? How proved by the type? When did the period begin? When end?
(29) What other time feature is given a tabernacle confirmation? When did the 70 weeks begin? In connection with what two related events? When were the walls of Jerusalem finished by Nehemiah? How long was this before the first of the seventh month? How proved? With what did the dedication of the walls begin? How proved? What is not given? By what was the dedication completed? What was the probable date? What is the first fact in harmony with this thought? How proved? How long, probably, from then to the procession which completed the dedication? What was, from this standpoint, the middle date of the services of the dedication of the walls? What occurred exactly to the day 483 years later? On what day of the seventh month did He consecrate? How is this proved? To sit in His antitypical booth by the 15th of the seventh month, what had to be done late the preceding day? What occurred in the four days from the 10th to the 14th of the seventh month? What makes this journey probably of that length? What conclusion do we draw from these facts? When, accordingly, did the 70 weeks begin? End?
(30) What should this move us to seek on this as hidden in the tabernacle? What was shown above as to the distance from the court gate to the tabernacle door? What does this distance type? From what event to what event? Where did Israel's typical justification place them typically as to the antitypical Court? To what did the typical court's curtains here correspond? How does Neh. 11:1
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allude to this? What occurred to certain ones of Israel in Oct., 36? What had they had up to then? What occurred Nisan 10, 33 A.D. to the mass of Israel? During what event? How is this proved by the cited passage? What other period is indicated in the tabernacle? How long is this period? From when to when? By what is this shown? What will not longer be after the Little Flock leaves the earth? What will still be and forever? What are the length and width of the court? What, therefore, is its area? How do we get it? What in this matter does the presence of the Most Holy Millennially and post-Millennially require us to do to this area? What is the area of the most holy? How gotten? To what does this deduction reduce the then court's area? What should be done with this reduced area? What, among other things, does this key number indicate? What is the result of the involved multiplication? For what do these 49,000 cubits stand? What does this prove?
(31) After the foregoing details what will now be given? With what do they begin? What of them have in part been given? When will others be given? Who all worked on the curtains? How typed? As to what three things? How typed in each case? What was interwoven therein? How typed? How wrought? How typed? What will now be brought out? Wherein hidden? What was the length of each and all of the ten linen curtains? What was symbolized by the total length? Into how many sets were they divided? How many in each set? What was the length of each set? What is symbolized by one of these 3,500-inches lengths? By the other? What else therein symbolizes human perfection? What was the width of each linen curtain? What did it symbolize?
(32) What else can be said of the Head and Body? What were the dimensions of the linen curtains? The sum of these dimensions? Applying to this sum the tabernacle's key numbers, what do we obtain as to each curtain? What does this symbolize? To what else does this apply? What were the dimensions of each of the goat hair curtains? Its area? Those of the folded curtain? Its area? The sum of these areas? What is done with this sum? Its result? In how many others is the same truth hidden? In what way are the 144,000 symbolized in the ten covering goat hair curtains? In the eleventh goat hair curtain? In what way are the Times of the
Gentiles symbolized in the eleven goat hair curtains? In what two ways are the 1260 years of the Church's oppressing symbolized in the eleven goat hair curtains? What is a summary of the findings so far discussed?
(33) What else do we find embedded in the curtains? What are the Hebrew letters spelling the word Jehovah? What is the numeric value of each of these letters? What is the first way of God's hiding His name in the tabernacle curtains in each of its four processes? How is this summarized? What is the second way of finding this fact? The third way? In how many ways does the point give God's name? How else in the curtains is God's name shown? In how many ways in all? What has been hidden in them as to the three tabernacle key numbers? Why? How many loops and taches were there in the linen curtains? In the ten covering goats' hair curtains? In all? Why is the one doubled in front omitted here? What does each of its doubled parts type? What has God hidden in the total of the number of loops and taches? How is this thus hidden as to the key numbers? As to the three secrets hidden in the tabernacle? What will be shown when studying Ex. 38:9-20?
(34) What verses will next be studied? Of what do they treat? Where were their typical significances treated? What will be here pointed out? How many boards were there on the south side? The north side? What appears from a combination of one side's boards with the key numbers? How many times does this appear? How many full boards belong to the most holy? How is this reached? The equivalent of how many boards belong to it? How is this reached? What do we get therefrom? In how many ways? Why in two ways? How many boards in the west wall? What combination is made with this number 8? With what result? How is this shown 48 times in the 48 boards? In the square cubits in these 48 boards? What is the typical teaching as to the board in the southwest corner? Northwest corner?
(35) According to vs. 24, 26, 30, how many sockets did each board have? What result is gotten in applying to the number of sockets on the tabernacle's south side the key numbers? How often does this symbolism appear? How many boards and sockets were in the west wall? What result from applying to these 16 sockets the key numbers? How many pillars supported the second
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veil? How many sockets for these? What is done with this number? The results? How many times must this be done? Why? What remark applies here? What has God done in the five pillars and sockets supporting the first veil? What is done with this number? The result? How many times is this result gotten? How is this shown in the pillars combinedly? In their sockets combinedly? How many sets of bars in each boarded side of the tabernacle? How arranged? What is done with this number? The result? How many times does it appear? Why? How is this shown by the combined number of bars and boards? By the number of small bars? By the number of small bars and long bars? In what two ways is the key number 18 found in the pillars, their sockets and bars?
(36) What do we find in vs. 21, 23, 25, 27, 28? What is their sum? What is done with this number? The result? What was the sum of the tabernacle's length and height? What is done with this number? The result? What is its length and width? What is done with this number? The result? The sum of the height and width of the tabernacle? What is done with this number? The result? What is the diagonal of each of the long sides of the tabernacle? How is it gotten? What is the diagonal of each of its short sides? How is it gotten? What is the square of the long diagonal? Of the second? Their sum? What is done with this number? The result? How many length lines has the tabernacle? Where found? What is the sum of these four lengths? What is done with this number? The result?
(37) How many height lines has it? Where found? What is their sum? What is done with this number? The result? How many width lines in it? Where located? What is their sum? What is done with this number? The result? What is the sum of all these lines? What is done with this number? The result? How many long diagonals are in the tabernacle's long sides? What are these sides? What is obtained from multiplying the square of one of the long sides' diagonals by 8? What is done with this number? The result? What is shown in the short diagonals? How many short diagonals were there? Where found? What is the square of each of the short diagonals? What is the sum of all four? What is done with this number? The result?
(38) Where else has God put this same secret? How many cubits in it? How gotten? What is done with this number? Its result? Where else was the same secret hidden? What was this circuit? How gotten? What is done with this number? The result? What else has God done in this line? What was the area of each of its four long sides? How gotten? The area of all four combined? What is done with the square of this number? The result? In a sixteenth way what has God done? What is the area of each of these sides? How gotten? What is the sum of both areas? What is done with this number? The result? In all, how many times has this truth been embedded in the tabernacle as a whole? In what other ways may this be shown?
(39) What else was there in the tabernacle as a whole? How many pointing out the Millennium? How many God's name? What was the long diagonal? Its square? What does this square symbolize? How gotten? How many of such diagonals? Where? How often in each? What results from this fact? What is the square of its length? Of its height? What is the sum of these two squares? What does this indicate? What is the square of its width? The sum of the squares of its length and width? What does this indicate? What was its length in inches? Its width in inches? The sum of these two numbers? How else is the same result obtained? What is the cross circuit in cubits? In inches? What results from this? What else did we see above? How gotten? Where does this hold true? How is this discussion summed up? What further line of thought did God symbolize in the tabernacle as a whole? And still what further line of thought? In how many ways? What was above pointed out as to the letters spelling God's name? What are their English equivalents? How did the tabernacle's height give us Yod (10)? How did its dimensions give us He (5)? Give us Vav (6)? Give us He (5)? With what result? In what second way by these four processes can we get God's name out of the tabernacle as a whole? Third way? Fourth way? Fifth way?
(40) What will next be presented? What will first be pointed out? What did each veil type? What was the height of the veils? The width? The sum? What is done to this sum? Its result? What was the sum of the two heights of each veil? Its result? What was the sum of
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the two widths of each veil? Using the same operation, what results? How many height lines in both veils? What is their sum? What is done with it? The result? What results from subjecting the four width lines in both veils to the same operation? What is the perimeter of the first veil? What results from subjecting it to the same operation? In what other perimeter does the same fact appear? What was the sum of both perimeters? In what other two ways is this truth shown? In how many ways did the two veils give us this truth? In how many ways did the two veils give us the thought of the Christ for 1,000 years blessing the world? What is the first of these? How gotten? The second? How gotten? The third? How gotten? The fourth? How gotten? The fifth? How gotten? The sixth?How gotten?
(41) In how many ways did God embed His Name in the two veils? What is each one of the four processes by which He first put His name in the veils? The results? The second way? The results? The third and fourth ways? The results? How may we summarize the findings in the two veils? What remark may here be made as to key numbers and the two veils?
(42) How do we get the sizes of the holy and most holy and of the entire tabernacle? Where were these given? How is it proved that the most holy's north and south sides were each 10 cubits long? That the west side was also 10 cubits long? What was its height? What kind of a structure do these figures prove it to have been? Why? What was done to the two corner boards in its west wall? How wide was each of these halves? How much of each one was visible in it? How much was invisible as covered by the ends of the north and south walls? What does this prove of the boards' thickness? How did the two end pillars fit against the northeast and southeast corner boards in the most holy to yield proper sizes to both the holy and most holy? What did the 13⅓ boards in the holy's north and south walls prove its length to have been? How is its width proved to have been 10 cubits? What procedure will be followed from now on as to the numbers and the key numbers, not hitherto followed? What three things hidden in the holy will now be brought out? What is deduced from the length of the holy having been 20 cubits? How deduced? What was the sum of its length, height and width? What is
deduced therefrom? How? What was the length of each of the four length diagonals? How do we get this? What was the square of each of these four length diagonals? Their square root? What is done with the square of each of these diagonals? What is thus produced? What does it imply? How many diagonals did each of the four length sides have? What results from this as to the number of secrets thus hidden? How do we number the next point?
(43) What was the length of the holy's end diagonals? How gotten? What is the square of each of the involved diagonals? What is done with this square? Its result? How many ends did the holy have? How many diagonals did each end have? Consequently, how many times was the secret given by the diagonals? Hence, how is our next point numbered? What was seen under point (3)? What was the sum of the squares of all eight of these diagonals? How obtained? What is done with this sum? Its result? What is the square of each end diagonal? How many were there of these squares? What is their sum? What is done with this sum? Its result? What is the square of each of the four solid diagonals? How is it gotten? What were the squares of these two sides? Their sum? Its square root? How many diagonals did the four long sides of the holy have? The two short, or end, sides have? The solid have? What is the square root of each long side diagonal? The square root of each end diagonal? What is the sum of the squares of the eight long diagonals? Of the four short diagonals? Of the four solid diagonals? How proved in each case? What is the sum of the squares of all 16 diagonals? What is done with this sum? Its result? What is the area of each of the four long sides of the holy? How gotten? What is done with this? The result? How many times does this secret appear? What results as to numbering the next point? What is the sum of the areas of the four long sides? How proved? What is done with this number? The result? What is the sum of the lengths of the four long sides? How gotten? What is done with this number? Its result? What is the sum of the squares of all the length lines, the height lines, the width lines, the four long sides' diagonals and the two short sides' (ends') diagonals? How gotten in each set of diagonals? In all of them? What is done with this total? The result? What was the holy's lengthwise circuit? If this length is taken
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as one side of a square, what would that square be? What is done with this number? The result? What is the holy's crosswise circuit? How proved? What is done with this number? The result? What is the length of its crosswise circuit? If it is taken as the side of a square, what would it be in square cubits? What is done with this square? With what result? What is the sum of the two sides' perimeters? If this sum is considered as the side of a square, what would be the square cubits of this square? What is done with these square cubits? With what result? What is the sum of the perimeters of the holy's two ends? How obtained? What is done with this number? The result? What was the volume of the holy? How obtained? What is done with this figure? The result? How many times at least has God in the holy's dimensions shown, that the Christ would consist of 144,000 members?
(44) What will now be done? In what two ways? What will first be pointed out? What is the sum? What is the sum of the two side walls' lengths? How obtained? What is this in inches? How obtained? How often does this occur? Wherein the second time? What is the sum of the height of the two veils and the ceiling, in cubits and inches? How obtained? How often does it occur? Wherein the second time? What is the sum of the two end widths and the length of each long side? How often does this occur? How many times is it indicated without key numbers that the Christ will Millennially bless the world? How secondly will this truth be shown? How long in cubits was the holy's two long sides? In inches? How proved? How is this shown in the cubits and inches of the ceiling and floor? What were its cubits and inches in height? In width? What is the total in inches of the width, height, and any two of its four lengths? How proved? How often does it occur? How will the next point be numbered? What is the sum of all the holy's areas? How proven? What does this give us? What is the sum of the squares of both diagonals in any one of the two long sides, of the ceiling, or of the floor? Where is the square of each of these eight long diagonals given? How often does this teaching occur in connection with the eight involved diagonals? What will the next point, accordingly, be numbered? What is the square of any one of the end diagonals? Where given? What is done with this number? The result? How many of such diagonals?
What, accordingly, will the next point be numbered?
(45) What was the crosswise circuit of the holy? Its lengthwise circuit? How obtained? What is their sum? What is done with this sum? The result? What is the area of each of the two long sides, of the ceiling and of the floor? How obtained? What is done with this area? The result? How often does this occur? What is the area of each of the holy's end walls? How obtained? What is done with this number? The result? In how many ways is this teaching shown in the holy? In how many ways is the name Jehovah embedded in the holy? What is the first of these? The second? How is its Yod obtained? Its first He? Its Vav? Its second He? The third and fourth? How many symbolizations, at least, do the dimensions of the holy yield?
(46) What remains of Ex. 34 yet to be studied? What kind of a geometrical body was the most holy? What were its three dimensions? By how many lines were its six sides bounded? Of what comparative length? What is done with these lines and their length? What is the resultant product? What is done with it? The result? How many sides did the most holy have? Surface diagonals? What is done with these 12 diagonals? The result? What is the sum of any two of its dimensions? What is done with this sum? The result? How many ways are there to use these three dimensions? What are they? What number will this fact move us to give the next point? What is the length of each of the most holy's twelve surface diagonals? What is the square of each? What is done with this number? The result? How many times do these diagonals give us the same result as point (6)? How, accordingly, should the next point be numbered? How do we get its solid diagonal? What is its solid diagonal? How gotten? How many solid diagonals has it? What is the sum of their squares? What is done with this number? The result? What was each of its circuits? What is done with this number? The result? How many circuits did it have? How, accordingly, will the next point be numbered? What is the total of its three circuits? What is done with this total? The result? What is the sum of any two of its circuits? What is done with this number? The result? How many of such circuit sums are possible? How, accordingly, is the next point to be numbered? What does a comparison of the most holy
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and New Jerusalem as perfect cubes show of the former.
(47) What line of thought as to the most holy's symbolizations will next be studied? How many cubits in each of its three circuits? Inches? How often does this fact appear in it? How, accordingly, will the next point be numbered? How many cubits in each of its six sides? Inches? How gotten in each case? How often does this occur? How, therefore, will the next point be numbered? What is the area of each of its six sides? What is done with this number? The result? How often does this occur in the most holy? Hence, how will the next point be numbered? What is its cubic contents? How gotten? What is the square of each one of its six side diagonals? What is done with this number? The result? How often does this occur? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What is the sum of any two of its three main dimensions? What is done with this number? The result? How often does this occur? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What has God done with His name as to the most holy? How can this be recognized? How does its length indicate Yod? How is the first He gotten? How is Vav gotten? How is the second He gotten? What will simplify matters? How many substitutions can we make for the second process of point (1)? What is the first of these substitutions with the processes kept as they stand? What is the first substitution? The second? The third? The fourth? Hence, how will our next point be numbered? What was the fourth, or last process of (1)? What can be done as to it? What is it? What do these five substitutions not repeat? How many symbolizations are there found in the most holy? Of each of the three lines of thought?
(48) What will we now study? Who only worked on the antitypical Tabernacle's and Court's furniture and appurtenances? How and where typed? Who worked on other features of the Tabernacle and Court? Especially on what? How may these matters be otherwise stated? How proved? What do the mercy seat and its cherubim represent? The chest of the ark? How long have God and His attributes been? Who has been resurrecting the Christ? What do we construe from these facts as to Bezaleel's and Aholiab's building the ark not to type? What are we therefrom to construe? What are we to construe antitypically from their building the other furniture
and their appurtenances? What further remark should here be made? Why do we say this? Why will it be unnecessary to explain the antitypes of the rings and staves here? What three things should we now study?
(49) What was the length of the ark in cubits? In inches? What is done with its cubit length? The result? What is done with its inch length? The result? What was its long circuit in cubits? In inches? How gotten? What is done with its cubit circuit? The result? What is done with its inches circuit? The result? On what is this circuit based? What results are reached by measuring the side circuit? How many more points does this give us? Hence, how should the next two points be numbered? What are the perimeters of the two long sides? Two short sides? Of the bottom? How gotten in each case? What is their total sum? How is this viewed? What perimeter is thus excluded? What is done with this total? The result? Considered as a bottomless box, what is the sum of the rest of the perimeters? What will their totals yield? How do we get the square of the end diagonals? How many diagonals in the ark's two ends? What is their total length? How gotten? What key number is this? What is done with this number? The result? What is the perimeter of each of the ark's four long sides in cubits and inches? How gotten? What is done with its inch perimeter? The result? Of what else is this true? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What is the sum of any half perimeter of these four long sides? What is done with this number? The result? How often does this occur? Why? Hence, how will the next point be numbered? What is the size of the short perimeter? How gotten? What is its square? What is done with this number? The result? Where does it appear? Hence, how is the next point numbered?
(50) What will now be pointed out? What was the cubit and inch length of the long circuit? What is done with these inches? The result? What is the half of the cubit and inch length of the long perimeter? What is done with this inch length? The result? How often does this appear? Hence, how many times does the Millennial feature appear in the ark? How do we obtain in two ways the ark's containing God's name twice? What do we obtain by the product of the ark's and the most holy's lengths? As the product of the ark's and the most holy's widths? As the product of the ark's and the most holy's heights?
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What letters may be conveniently used for these three sets of cubits? How do we get Yod? The first He? Vav? The second He? What should be here noted? In how many other long sides of the ark does this also prevail? What will this enable us to find? How? Once for each where? Accordingly, how many times does the name Jehovah occur in the ark? In all, how many of these three kinds of symbolizations occur in the ark?
(51) Where were some mercy-seat symbolizations given? What will not be repeated here? What may some ask? What reply may be given, based on Heb. 9:5? What does 2 Cor. 3:18 contribute to this subject? As God's provided righteousness for us, what is Christ called in Rom. 3:25? Where is He Called God's righteousness? Why? What do these considerations prove? What else proves it? What does the Shekinah represent? The light shining out of it? What does it make Him? What does this process of elimination prove the cherubim to represent? What will we now study? Where is it described? With what limitations will this study be pursued? What are its dimensions? Where given? What was its length in cubits? In inches? What is done with its inch length? The result? How often does this length appear? Hence, how will the next point be numbered? What was its width? In inches? What is done with this number? How often does the width appear? Where each time? Hence, how will the next point be numbered? What is the square of the length of its top diagonal? How obtained? What is its square root? What is done with its square? The result? How many of the same length diagonals does the table have? Hence, how will the next point be numbered? What is the square of the side diagonal? How obtained? What is the square root of the square of the side diagonal? What is ten times this diagonal? What is done with this number? The result? How many of such diagonals? Hence, how is the next point numbered?
(52) What was the perimeter of the table? How gotten? What is done with this number? The result? How many of such perimeters did the table have? Hence, how is the next point numbered? Omitting the bottom, what is the length of the long side perimeter? How gotten? What is done with this number? The result? How often did this occur? Hence, how is the next point numbered? Omitting the top, what was the long side perimeter?
What was done with this number? The result? How often does it occur? Hence, how is the next point numbered? Omitting the bottom, what was the length of the short side perimeter? How gotten? What is done with this number? The result? How many of such side perimeters were there? Hence, how is the next point numbered? Omitting the top, what was the side perimeter? What is done with this number? The result? How often did this appear? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What is the top area? How obtained? What is done with this number? The result? How does the bottom area compare with the top? The result? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What was each of the side perimeters, except the bottom? The sum of both? Except the bottom, what is each of the short sides? The sum of both? What is the sum of all four perimeters, omitting the bottom? What is done with this number? The result? What do we get, if all four side perimeters are added, omitting the top? Hence, how is this point numbered? How many points teaching the first set of symbolizations? What do the dimensions of the table's border contain? What was its top perimeter? How proved? What is done with this number? The result? Where else does this hold true? What in cubits was the length of its two long sides? What is done with this number? The result? Where else do the same figures produce the same results? What is the sum of the two short sides? What is done with this figure? The result? Where else did the same figures and results appear? What was the length in inches of one of the top long sides? What is done with this figure? The result? Where else did the same figures and result appear? Hence, how will the next point be numbered? What is its length in inches in any one of the short sides of its ends? What is done with this figure? The result? How often does this appear? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What is its circuit about its sides? What is the sum of the circuits of the two edges (top and bottom)? What is the sum of these three circuits? What is done with this number? The result? In all, how many times does this teaching appear in the table? What other symbolizations does the table give? What was its top length? What is done with this number? The result? In what other place did the same figures and result appear? In still what other two places did the same figures and
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
result appear? What was the area of the table's top? How obtained? What is found a fifth time? A sixth time? What was one of the short side's perimeters, omitting the bottom? What is done with this number? The result? Where did these figures and result appear? Twice more?
(53) What other kind of symbolizations does the border give? What was the border's length on one side? What is done with this figure? The result? Where else did the same figures and result appear? What is the sum of the two short border sides? What is done with this figure? The result? What is the total number of the second line of symbolizations? What else was symbolized in the table? How is Yod gotten? The first He? Vav? The second He? In how many other ways do these same figures appear in the four processes? How does the first process appear? The second? The third? The fourth? How many times does the name Jehovah appear in the table? What is the number of each of the three kinds of the table's symbolizations and their total? What has not hitherto been done with the border's significance? Of what was its beauty typical? Where referred to? What did its crown type? What did its handbreadth width type?
(54) Who has explained the antitype of the candlestick? Where? What does this make unnecessary here? What will here be given? What are the only numbers given connected with it? How do we get the number 8 connected with it? What do we do with this number? The result? How much of gold was worked into the candlestick? In weight how many gold shekels to a mina? How many minas to a talent? According to the weights of what countries? Accordingly, in weight how many shekels in a talent? How obtained? According to monetary value, how many shekels in a mina? Minas in a talent? Where is this given? How do we reach this conclusion from this passage? What is done with the weight shekels in a gold or silver talent? The result? What should be noted as to the setting off of the six branches from the shaft? What is done with the number 6? The result? How many bowls were in each of the six branches? How many bowls in all six branches? What is done with this number? The result?
(55) How many bowls did each companion branch have? What is done with this number? The result? How many other sets of such branches? Hence, how do we
number these results as to these two? With what was each of these bowls accompanied? How many with each of these companion branches? How many points do we derive from this fact? Corresponding to what? How are these new points numbered? How many flowers in each companion branch? How many and what points will this give us? What did the shaft's four bowls have? How many bowls and knops were in it? From point (1) what do we obtain by the sum of the bowls and knops? What point does this give us? Wherein does the number 8 again appear? According to v. 21 what was there under each two branches? How many knops in all? How gotten? What is done with this number? The result? How many parts were there in the lampstand? How gotten? What is characteristic of the number 84? How many times does Jehovah's name appear in the lampstand? Wherein? What else is given in the lampstand? How many main parts in the lampstand? What is done with this number? With what result? How many kinds of fruits and flowers in it? What is done with this figure? The result? How many and what kinds of side branches in it? What was done with this figure? The result? How many other symbolisms of two parts? What were they? In all how many symbolisms were contained in the lampstand?
(56) What is described in vs. 25-28? What will we begin at once? Why? What were the dimensions of its width and length in cubits and inches? How often does this appear? Where? How many points will this yield? What is done with its inch dimension in these four appearances? The result? What is their sum, in cubits and inches? How often do they appear? Where? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What is done these four times with its cubit sum? The result? How often does it appear? What is done with its inch sum? The result? How often does it appear? What is the diagonal of its top? How obtained? Its square root? If this diagonal is taken as a side of a square, what would the area of the square be? What is done with this number? The result? What would be true of the bottom? What is the square of the diagonal of each of its other sides? How gotten? What is its square root? What is done with this number? The result? How many were there of such diagonals? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What is the sum of its main dimensions? How obtained? What is
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
done with this number? The result? Where else does this appear? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What is the length of all its lines? How obtained? How often is each line counted? What is done with this number? The result? What was the perimeter of its top? How gotten? What is done with this number? The result? Where else did this appear? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What is the perimeter of each of its four sides? How obtained? What is done with this number? The result? How often does this appear? Hence, how is the next point numbered?
(57) What is the length of all the circuits of the altar in cubits and inches? How gotten? What is done with its cubit and inch numbers? The results? What is the area of the altar's top in square inches? What is done with this figure? The result? Where else does the same result appear? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What is the area of each of its four sides? How gotten? What is done with this number? The result? How often and where did this appear? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What was its volume? How obtained? What is done with this number? The result? What was seen above? Between what? How do we get the solid diagonals of the altar? What is its square? What is done with this square? How many were there of such solid diagonals? What will now be given? What is yielded by 10 times the sum of its height, length and width in inches? How obtained? What is done with this number? The result? How often and where does this appear? Hence, how is the next point numbered? How is this result gotten with the top perimeter? Bottom perimeter? What result is gotten by 10 times the sum of two of the height edges? Where else does this appear? What result is obtained by 10 times the sum of the height and half of the top perimeter in inches? How often does this appear? Where? Hence, how is the next point numbered?
(58) What will next be studied? How is it found? How do we get the Yod in God's name? Its first He? Its Vav? Its second He? How often did the four involved processes occur? How is it done with each process? The third process? The fourth process? How many symbolizations did the altar have of each of the three kinds? What was the total? How many ingredients did the anointing oil have? What were they? What were the four spices and their
weights respectively? Where given? What do these five ingredients give us? What is the total weight of the spices' ingredients? What did God hide in the total of these weights? How? What did He hide in the myrrh's weight? Where else was this done? How in each of the other three spices? What else did He hide in the myrrh? How? In the cassia? How? In what three? How? In what other three? What is the antitype of the incense? Of their ingredients' equal weight? Of the uses and misuses with incense? What is herewith finished? What will immediately be begun?
(59) What is typed in 38:1-7? What of it has already been set forth? What will, accordingly, not, and what will be done? What were its dimensions? What is done with its length? The result? How often does its length appear? In what two parts? How often in each? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What was the perimeter of each of its four sides? How gotten? What is done with this sum? The result? How many of such were there? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What was the top's perimeter? How gotten? What is done with this number? The result? Of what else was this true? How are the top and bottom diagonals gotten? What is their square root? What is done with the square of each? How often does this occur? How? Yielding what? What is the top's area? How gotten? What is done with this number? Whose area is also the same? What is the area of each of the four sides? How gotten? What is done with this area? The result? How many times 144,000 is this result? Where are the same results found? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What are its grate's dimensions? What is done with one of these? The result? How often did this appear? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What are the dimensions of its perimeter? What is done with this number? The result? Where is the square of each of its diagonals seen? What is it? What is done with this number? The result? How often does this appear? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What is its area? How gotten? What is done with this number? The result? How many times at least did the first set of symbolizations appear in the altar of burnt offerings? What erroneous claim does Bro. Dockey set forth in Reprints 6436, col. 2, point (3)? How is it proved to be a mistake? What does this mistake vitiate?
The Gospel-Age Tabernacle.
What second thing of his does it vitiate? Third thing of his? On what two points is he right as stated in that connection?
(60) What will now be offered? What is the top perimeter? The bottom? How gotten in each case? Their sum? What was the sum of the top area and of each side area? What is done with this number? The result? How often did this occur? How so? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What is the sum of the areas of the bottom and any one of its four sides? What is done with this number? The result? How often did this appear? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What will next follow? How is the Yod gotten? The first He? The Vav? The second He? In the second way of finding God's name in the copper altar, how is Yod gotten? The first He? The Vav? The second He? In the third way, how is Yod gotten? The first He? Vav? The second He? In the fourth way, how is Yod gotten? The first He? Vav? The second He? In the fifth way, how is Yod obtained? The first He, Vav? The second He? How many times at least has God written His name in this altar? In all, how many symbolizations has God given us in this altar? How distributed? What as to the laver has already been given? What has God not given us of it? What results therefrom? What has He given thereon? How from this do we get the Christ as consisting of 144,000 members? Of His reign of 1000 years? God's name? What are the antitypes of its bowl and base? What is represented by the women assembled at the tabernacle's door? What did their looking-glasses give? What is typed by the laver's being made of them?
(61) To what do we now come? Where is it described? To what thing connected with the court was attention called? How antitypically used? Where explained? What is the sum of its length and width? What is done with it? The result? What is its perimeter? How gotten? What is done with this number? Where was the whole Church once? How? What is the perimeter of the court, except the part touched by the back part of the tabernacle? How gotten? What should we add to it? What is the sum? What is done with this number? The result? What were the gate's dimensions? What is done with its length? The result? What is done with its height? What result? What is its perimeter? How gotten? What is done with it? The
result? What is the sum of its top and bottom? What is done with it? The result? How far apart were the court's pillars? How proved for the whole court? How much of the curtain between each pillar from center to center? What was the perimeter of each of such sections of the court's curtain? How proved? What is done with this number? How many of such sections were there? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What is the area of each of such sections? How many of such areas? Hence, how is the next point numbered?
(62) Equal to what diagonal is the diagonal of each of these sections? What is that diagonal? Its square? What is done with this square? The result? How many diagonals in these 60 sections? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What is the sum of both diagonals of each of these 60 sections? Its square? What is done with this square? The result? How often does it occur? Hence, how is the next point numbered? How many posts and sockets in the court? What is the square of this number? What is done with it? Its result? How many posts has the gate? What is done with this number? The result? How many other sets of four posts were there around the court? Hence, how is the next point numbered? How many sets of four sockets did those 15 sets of posts have? Hence, what points would this add? To what totals? What is the sum of the squares of the gate's diagonals? The sum of the squares of the diagonals of each of the curtain's 60 sections? The sum of the squares of both of these sets of diagonals? What is done with this sum? Its results? What next thought is to be studied? What is the area of the gate? How gotten? What is done with this number? The result? To what else do these figures apply? Hence, how is the next point numbered? What is the sum of the top and bottom lengths in inches? The result? In how many other equivalent sections does this also prevail? Why? How many is the total of points on this line of thought? What else is embedded in the court curtains? What is the total area of these curtains? How gotten? What two things are shown in which we spell God's name? What is the total of the pertinent symbolizations? How distributed in each set of symbolizations? What should be used in a class study of this subject? Who else discovered about 35 of the above points? To what should a consideration of the tabernacle's many symbolizations move us?