Epiphany Truth Examiner


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Scriptures are cited from the King James (Authorized) Version, unless stated otherwise.

Question: What provision is there for cleansing of justified believers in the Epiphany Camp, seeing that they do not have access to the Laver in the Court?

Answer: The washing by water of God’s Word (John 15: 3) (Ephesians 5: 26) (Hebrews 10: 22) for: (1) the Little Flock and (2) the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies, and no others, is pictured for the Gospel Age by washing at the Laver in the Court by: (1) the Priests and (2) the Levites, and no others.

The cleansing by the Word of justified believers in the Epiphany Camp is typed by Israelites cleansing themselves with water in the Camp – their cleansing with water was separate from that of the Priests and Levites in the Court. In the Camp there was ample provision for the cleansing of the Israelites with water, with the “water of separation” and otherwise (Numbers 19: 9-21) (Leviticus 11: 25; 13: 6; 15: 5, 11).

In Ezekiel 36: 25-33 the Lord shows how He likewise will cleanse His people in the Millennial Age Camp – not by making them Levites and having them wash at the Laver in the Court – but by “sprinkling clean water” (pure truth and righteous influences) upon them, and by giving them a new heart and a new spirit. In other words, they will be cleansed by the Truth, just as Epiphany Campers and all other classes of God’s people are cleansed.