Epiphany Truth Examiner


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Scriptures are cited from the King James (Authorized) Version, unless stated otherwise.

THE SUBJECT of the quasi-elect is important and timely. In order to understand this subject more clearly, it is important to recognize that since the beginning of the Time of Trouble in 1914: (1) we have been in the Epiphany, or Apocalypse, period of our Lord’s Second Advent; (2) the door of entrance into the High Calling has been closed (Amos 9: 13) ( Revelation 7: 1-3); (3) the last two classes of the elect – the Great Company (Revelation 7: 14) and the Youthful Worthies, have as classes been in the process of development [the Great Company is now complete]; and (4) the Epiphany as a period continues since October 1954, though in the restricted (40-year) sense it ended at that time. While we understand that much work toward the Epiphany Camp – which consists of quasi-elect individuals – was done during the Epiphany in the restricted sense, and even by Bro. Russell and others in the Parousia, we understand also that since October 1954, the development of the Epiphany Camp has entered a marked new stage of development.

The full number of the elect was complete in its membership (though not in its final development) by October 1954, after which those who consecrate would not thereby gain a standing among the elect, as was formerly the case. Instead, they would gain the highest standing in the Epiphany Camp among the quasi-elect. The quasi-elect, especially those among them who consecrate before restitution begins and thus attain the highest standing in the Epiphany Camp as Consecrated Epiphany Campers have been coming more and more to the fore as time has progressed beyond October 1954.

The Latin prefix quasi means as if, and conveys the thought of almost, seemingly, but not actually so. In the widest sense, we use the term quasi-elect to designate all those believers of the periods prior to the Millennium, from Adam’s day onward, who have become as if, almost or seemingly of the elect, yet have not actually become of the elect. Generally, however, we consider this class as it has existed in the Jewish and Gospel Ages, including our day and onward until the Epiphany Camp merges into the Millennial Camp.

Three General Groups of the Quasi-Elect

The first general group of the quasi-elect is made up of those Jews who during the Jewish and Gospel Ages in faith and practice have come into harmony with the Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants, and have remained faithful therein, though not consecrating. These thereby have attained a greater degree of harmony with the principles of truth and righteousness than the rest of the world of mankind, which will be an advantage to them in the times of restitution (Romans 3: 1, 2).

The second general group of the quasi-elect consists of those Gentiles (and some Jews) who throughout the Gospel Age, including our day, while not consecrating, have repented of their sins and accepted Jesus as Savior and have remained faithful to the Ransom and to righteousness. Thus, they have received the grace of God in tentative justification, with its attendant blessings of “peace with God.” They have attained a good degree of harmony with the principles of truth and righteousness, and have applied themselves at least measurably to the study and spread of God’s Word, which will give them an advantage over others in the times of restitution.   

The third of these general groups of the quasi-elect is the Consecrated Epiphany Campers, who consecrate and are faithful prior to the opening of the Highway of Holiness, but after September 16, 1954. These must attain to a much greater degree of harmony with truth and righteousness in this life than do either of the two unconsecrated groups mentioned. Also, they must attain to a good degree of holiness. 

These three general groups of the quasi-elect, who, because of their pre-restitution development and training, will be fitted for, and will be given the privilege of being the chief helpers of the Ancient and Youthful Worthies in ministering the Millennial truths to the world (Psalm 107: 21, 22).

The Restitution “Sons”

Joel 2: 28, 29: The servants here represent the Little Flock; the handmaids, the Great Company; the old men, the Ancient Worthies; the young men, the Youthful Worthies; the sons, the quasi-elect; and the daughters, the non-elect.

Isaiah 60: 4: Here also the “sons” of the Millennial Christ, the quasi-elect, are set forth, while the non-elect are represented by the “daughters.” In Isaiah 60: 9 the Millennial sons of the Christ are mentioned again, especially the Jewish part. Then in v. 13 the four elect classes are described: “The glory of Lebanon [Lebanon means white, and its evergreen trees, the glory of Lebanon, represent the righteous as antitypical Levites, Psalm 92: 12, 13] shall come unto thee [the antitypical Levites will be brought to Christ and the Church, Numbers 3: 6-9], the fir tree [the Ancient Worthies], the pine tree [the Great Company], and the box [the Youthful Worthies] together [rendering a co-operative service], to beautify the place of my sanctuary [a Levitical work, Numbers 3: 6-9].”

The Clean Animals in Noah’s Ark

Genesis 7: 7-24: The Ark pictures the Abrahamic Covenant, God’s eternal purpose, whose central feature is the Seed of Abraham, The Christ, whose replenishing and reorganizing power will bless all the nations of the earth (Galatians 3: 8, 16, 29). There were four human pairs who went into the Ark. Noah undoubtedly types our Lord, who is the Heir of the righteousness which comes to us by faith (Hebrews 11: 7). Noah’s wife would therefore represent the Church, His Body; Shem and his wife apparently represent the leaders and the rest of the Ancient Worthies respectively; Japheth and his wife, the leaders and the rest of the Great Company; and Ham and his wife, the leaders and the rest of the Youthful Worthies.

But animals were also saved in the Ark – at least one pair of every clean and unclean kind. The clean animals type the quasi-elect, who will be saved Millennially. The unclean animals represent those of the non-elect who will be saved. Those perishing in the Flood represent from one viewpoint those who have perished under the Adamic curse, and from another viewpoint, the movements and systems of Satan’s empire and the Second Death class. As the Ark in the type was the means of rescue from the Flood, so, the Abrahamic Covenant is for all who are in it, the means of safety from destruction.

Typed in Abraham’s Brother Nahor

Genesis 11: 27-32: Terah at Haran seems to represent the whole class of the Gospel Age tentatively justified, and his sons Nahor and Haran represent the two classes of the Gospel Age tentatively justified who do not consecrate: (1) those who continue loyally to believe in Christ and to practice righteousness; and (2) the unfaithful of these, who turn back into sin. Abraham here represents those tentatively justified ones who eventually consecrated and became members of the Little Flock.

The Antitypical Turtledove and Young Pigeon of Abraham’s Sacrifice

Genesis 15: 7-21: Please note that three animals and two birds were used for sacrifice by Abraham (v. 9). The heifer would seem to represent the Ancient Worthies and Youthful Worthies; the she goat, the Great Company; the ram, the Christ; the turtledove, those of fleshly Israel who have measurably held to the Abrahamic promises and to the Mosaic Covenant; and the pigeon, those of the tentatively justified who have remained loyal to the Ransom and to righteousness. The cleaving of the animals seems to represent the entire consecration and death of the classes typed by them; and the birds left undivided seem to suggest the incomplete consecration of fleshly Israel and the tentatively justified.

The Fifth Order of Abraham’s Seed

Genesis 22: 16-18: Here the Oath-bound Covenant – the heart of the Gospel – is set forth (Romans 4: 16) (Galatians 3: 6-9). It elaborates the first promise of the all-embracing Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12: 2, 3): “I will make of thee a great nation.” It shows that the foretold blessing of all the families of the earth will come through Abraham’s seed, and that this seed in its larger sense will be multiplied both in its heavenly and in its earthly aspects – as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is upon the seashore. The heavenly seed consists of the Little Flock and the Great Company, and the earthly seed consists primarily of the Ancient Worthies and the Youthful Worthies, and secondarily of the Consecrated Epiphany Campers and the rest of the quasi-elect. Because the quasi-elect is a secondary part of the earthly seed which is to bless all the families of the earth, they, like the Ancient and Youthful Worthies, are developed under the earthly features of this Oath-bound Covenant, though they will get their offer of everlasting life under the New Covenant soon to be established.

(to be continued)