Epiphany Truth Examiner


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Scriptures are cited from the King James (Authorized) Version, unless stated otherwise.

The Other Half Tribe of Manasseh

The picture (Numbers 32) (Joshua 1: 12-15) of the 2 tribes being given their inheritance on the east side of the Jordan river and thus separate from the inheritance of the other 9 tribes, on the west side of the Jordan, represents the Little Flock (Reuben), the Great Company (Gad) and the Youthful Worthies (the half tribe of Manasseh) being given their Millennial and post-Millennial inheritance – the elective salvation. This will be separate and distinct from the inheritance of the quasi-elect and the non-elect – the free grace salvation. The other half tribe of Manasseh and the other nine tribes of Israel, standing for ten tribes, type the entire restitution class, ten being the number of perfection or completion for natures lower than the Divine.

Since the Fall of 1954, we have been in the Basileia period in its first lapping beginning, and there is a class very closely related to and associated with the Youthful Worthies – the Consecrated Epiphany Campers. This class, more than any of the unconsecrated quasi-elect or the non-elect are very closely associated and in sympathy with the Youthful Worthies in this life in all their experiences of consecration, including their warfare against sin, error, selfishness and worldliness. Because of this, they more than any others will be fitted to be among the chief helpers of the Ancient and Youthful Worthies in their Millennial service in the Kingdom. In view of these considerations, we believe that the Consecrated Epiphany Campers are typed by the half tribe of Manasseh which had its inheritance on the west side of the Jordan.

The Antitypical Queen of Sheba     

Many of the Consecrated Epiphany Campers are pictured by the Queen of Sheba, who came to inquire for the wisdom of Solomon (1 Kings 10: 1-13) (2 Chronicles 9: 1-12). She represents a separate class among the Epiphany Campers, namely, those Epiphany Campers who after the Fall of 1954 but prior to the opening of the Highway of Holiness have either consecrated or are about to consecrate (before the Epiphany period ends) and who come into contact with the small antitypical Solomon, Bro. Johnson, especially through the Truth writings, or through those already enlightened by them.

Antitypical Medan

Keturah’s third-born son, Medan (Genesis 25: 2), types the Consecrated Epiphany Campers under the New Covenant. The Consecrated Epiphany Campers, a class that consecrates while sin is still in the ascendancy, with Satan not yet fully bound, and that is faithful in consecration, is superior in God’s sight to the rest of the quasi-elect. Hence, they shall receive the highest standing under the New Covenant, next to the Worthies, in the Millennium.

Antitypical Nethinim

The post-Exilic Nethinim type the Consecrated Epiphany Campers, in addition to others. Those Nethinim who left Babylon, came into the Holy Land and assisted the Levites in God’s service represent those Campers who from 1878 onward, during the Parousia and Epiphany, (1) have left Babylon, (2) have come – at least measurably – into the Truth and (3) have assisted in God’s service those antitypical Levites who did (1) and (2). These Campers in the post-1954 application are: (1) Consecrated Epiphany Campers, (2) unconsecrated tentatively justified ones and (3) unjustified, nominal people of God. These Consecrated Epiphany Campers (especially the Epiphany-enlightened ones) more than any other Campers, have cleansed themselves, have cleaved to their brethren, their worthy leaders, have covenanted to obey God’s Word (Nehemiah 10: 28, 29) and have assisted the pertinent antitypical Levites – Great Company members and Youthful Worthies – in their Epiphany Temple service of preparing the Levites in the Epiphany Court for their places in the Kingdom and of building up the Epiphany Camp from among Jews and Gentiles.

The Hill Ophel

The fifth eminence of Jerusalem was the hill Ophel. It was repaired by the Nethinim and served as the outstanding dwelling place of these post-Exilic Nethinim, in close proximity to the temple. It types the Campers’ strongest, highest and best sphere of dwelling with God in relation to the antitypical temple and of ministering to the pertinent antitypical Levites in relation to the antitypical temple service. In the post-1954 period, it represents for these Consecrated Epiphany Campers their special sphere of dwelling with God and assisting the pertinent post-1954 antitypical Levites in connection with their service of the Epiphany temple, especially in helping the Levites in the Epiphany Court for their places in the Kingdom and the building up of the Epiphany Camp from among Jews and Gentiles.

The Consecrated Epiphany Campers class as a whole is represented by the hill Ophel, when viewed as a part of the topography of the Holy Land. God arranged for this fifth class of His consecrated people to be represented by the hill Ophel, situated in Jerusalem on the east side of the Tyropoeon valley. They will not be in the spiritual phase of the Millennial Kingdom, which includes the Little Flock and the Great Company, represented respectively by Mt. Zion and the hill Akra, on the west side of the Tyropoeon valley. Rather, they will be in the earthly phase of the Kingdom, associated with the Ancient and Youthful Worthies, represented respectively by Mt. Moriah and the hill Bezetha, on the east side of the valley.

The Myrtle Tree of Isaiah 41: 19

The Consecrated Epiphany Campers are one of the seven saved classes of mankind symbolized in Isaiah 41: 19. The cedar, shittah (acacia) and myrtle trees of Isaiah 41: 19 represent respectively the three classes of restitutionists who will have eternal life on earth – the saved non-elect, quasi-elect and Consecrated Epiphany Campers. In their Millennial Tabernacle service the Royal Priesthood (represented in the oil tree) will bless those in the antitypical Camp – the world of mankind. They will be assisted by the three groups of antitypical Levites: the Ancient Worthies (Kohathites), Great Company (Merarites) and Youthful Worthies (Gershonites), symbolized respectively by the fir tree, the pine tree and the box tree. 

“Virgins Without Number”

In the post-1954 application of Canticles 6: 8, the three groups of women in special relationship with antitypical Solomon, our Lord, are the Great Company (“threescore queens”), who, next to the Little Flock, have the closest relationship with antitypical Solomon; the Youthful Worthies (“fourscore concubines”), are in the next closest relationship; and the Consecrated Epiphany Campers (“virgins without number”), are in the next closest relationship.

Progress up to the Present Time

We are currently progressing from the Gospel Age and Epiphany settings of the Most Holy, which represents the condition of Divine Beings, to the Millennial setting, in which the Most Holy represents additionally, the Christ in their capacity of serving Godward for the people. We have also progressed from the Gospel Age setting of the Holy, which represents the condition of embryo New Creatures, crown-retainers and crown-losers, to the Epiphany setting of the Holy, which in the finished picture represents the condition of crown-retaining New Creatures only. Crown-retaining New Creatures have also passed beyond the Second Veil, from the Holy into the Most Holy. We have been progressing into the Millennial Age setting of the Holy, which represents the condition of the Christ in their capacity of serving peopleward for God.

Additionally, we have progressed from the Gospel Age setting of the Court, which types the condition of the faith justified, into the Epiphany setting, in its unfinished aspect. From the Fall of 1914 to the Fall of 1954, the Great Company, the Youthful Worthies and the faith justified were in the Court; but from the Fall of 1954 onward, when the adjustment of matters in the Court took place and the tentatively justified who had not consecrated by then were remanded to the Camp, we have entered into the finished picture of the Epiphany Court (so far as further admission are concerned). At present, only the remaining Youthful Worthies are presently in the Court.

In the Gospel Age setting the Camp typed the condition of the unjustified, nominal people of God, but in the unfinished Epiphany picture of the Camp, to which we have progressed since the Fall of 1954, there are three classes in the Camp: (1) Consecrated Epiphany Campers; (2) unconsecrated tentatively justified ones and (3) the unjustified, nominal people of God. When the readjustment at the end of the Epiphany comes, class (3) will be remanded from the Camp into the condition represented by outside the Camp, which in the Gospel Age setting represented the condition of those who were not even nominal people of God. This will leave only classes (1) and (2) in the Epiphany Camp in the finished picture. When the Highway of Holiness opens up, the Epiphany Camp will merge into the Millennial Camp, the condition of the world undergoing restitution, while the territory outside the Camp will then represent the condition of those who have not made a start toward restitution and the Second Deathers who die at 100 years.