Epiphany Truth Examiner

1954 A Biblically Marked Date

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1954 A Biblically Marked Date

Scriptures are cited from the King James (Authorized) Version, unless stated otherwise.

Question: What are the Biblical evidences that 1954 is a date that is well marked in the Scriptures?

Answer: We will note five lines of evidence from the Bible:

(1.) In Leviticus 12 the purification of the mother of a son during forty days represents the purification of the Little-Flock-developing Truth and its servants during the forty years of the Parousia (the Parousia in its restricted sense, the reaping period, 1874-1914), while the purification of the mother of a daughter during eighty days represents the purification of the Great-Company-developing Truth and its servants during the eighty years of the Parousia and the Epiphany combined (the Parousia and the Epiphany combined in their restricted senses, 1874-1954). The purifying of the mother during these eighty days types two things: (1) the ridding of the Truth (in its application to the Great Company, etc.) of all error attaching to it; and (2) the purifying of the faithful and measurably faithful servants of the Truth of such defilements as would unfit them for their place in the Millennial Age, as well as for a special attestatorial service from October 1954 onward.

(2.) The midnight of the parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25: 1-12), being April, 1877, when the general proclamation of Christ’s presence began, and its night beginning October, 1799, means that that night comes to its first end in 1954, in the beginning of its lapping into the Kingdom (Basileia) time.

(3.) The Lord’s assigning twelve hours to a working day (John 9: 4; 11: 9) and His providing in the parable of the Penny (Matthew 20: 1-16) for an eventide, and consequently a night to follow the (forty years) day of reaping (Matthew 20: 8), show that the symbolic twelve-hour night period that follows the Parousia day of reaping (the twelve-hour day of forty years) must be of equal length, thus proving that the Epiphany (in its restricted sense) is likewise forty years long, the former being not only the day and latter the night of the parable, but also the day and night of: (Psalm 91: 5, 6) and (Psalm 121: 6).

(4.) Moses’ twofold stay of forty days in the mountain types these two periods: the forty days in each stay typing forty years, forty for the Parousia and forty for the Epiphany, the mountain representing the Kingdom, ascended by the Christ from two standpoints, the Parousia and the Epiphany standpoints.

(5.) Forty years seems to be the Bible period for trial along the line of certain principles, like the forty years’ trial in the wilderness, the forty years’ reigns of Saul, David and Solomon, as trial times, the forty years of the Jewish, Gospel and Millennial Age harvest trials; accordingly, we would expect the Great Company and Youthful Worthies, as classes, similarly to have forty years – the Epiphany (in its restricted sense) – set aside as the special trial period along the lines of the principles applicable to them.

1954 is particularly significant, for in the Fall of that year the call to be of the Youthful Worthy